Realised I never made any steampunk, so I figured I would cross that off my list aswell, so I built a quick Microscope, and gonna do another asset after this. Highpoly only, no UVs, took the opportunity to do some more automatic materials in Modo and practising rendering a bit.
Still too lazy to make proper renders though, takes so looong.

1. In your material, open the properties panel and set this value to something other than zero:
2. Render.
only crit i got is that the grungy proc material undermines the rest areas and makes it look very noisy
Made my evening
Function wise I don't quite get why the two cranks are so close together, so in certain positions they'll get in the way of someone wanting to turn the other one.(Depending a bit on their exact size.)
Or why the microscope has to rotate vertically that precisely in the first place (or at all, for that matter) when shifting it would make much more sense at a first glance. The little railing seems without a real purpose, too. Now I'm probably overthinking this for something that's supposedly mostly eye-candy, but along with the level of detail it reinforces the impression that those parts don't really belong together.
Some of the ornaments look a bit lazy or out of place, too, and I'd even say that leaving them away could strengthen the piece instead of hurting it.
Ornaments are lazy though, that is correct (together with most of the piece) but thats just because i am lazy ^^
Do you control it by weight or node shading?
There is a guy on Modo forums who is doing it but I'm didn't have enough time to go through it yet -
I am "a guy on Modo forums". Best way to control it is with different materials that look the same but have different rounded edge values.
You could do it with weight maps, but then you could only control it where there actually is edges. And one benefit using the rounded edge shader is that you just dont build edges where you intersect your mesh.
... and Houdini formus too
Cool technique Magnus.