I'm working on a high poly model of a Jumo 004 jet engine. It's an early jet engine that was used on Me262's. Aside from the cylinders, it's filled with many 'unique' shapes and is making for a fun exercise.
This is a work in progress, I'll post as more is completed.

And this one of the references:

Making this as an HP asset. Practice for odd shapes because this is full of them.
almost time for hoses
Finding pictures of the actual thing and ones in great enough detail is hard without going to a museum that still has one of these laying around. There's also some variation of parts used, perhaps because of it's age. This was invented in the later parts of WWII by Germany, and perhaps because of the rapid development of early jet engines is why so few examples exist and with different parts/missing parts.
update on the structure of the main housing and a couple external things.
Keep on it!
The the far thing is a fuel injector and the near thing is some kind of starter.