I'm calling this finished. I need to start working on a new project to expand my portfolio before I graduate!!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OsBe9NT0zHs"]Dandelion Observation Deck - YouTube[/ame]

Hi everyone. I figure I'll make a WIP for this scene on here for parts that I run into problems with. Any suggestions are more than welcome. First time doing an env. based on concept!!
Concept (BY SAM BROWN!!:


Ref sheet for computer area. There is a curved area on the left; however, I'm going to leave both flat so I can put a lot of time into 1 and just repeat it 4 more times.

Thank you!!!!!
Any critiques on block-out so far? I'm really really worried that I'll mess it up and end up with a sub-par environment as a result.
Edit: I reverse searched those images and came up with nothing. Where-ever you got them, thank you for posting
Edit 2: Maybe I should have looked at his portfolio online. Heh...
Blockout looks alright, it's kinda difficult to read because everything's a similar color. Keep going and make sure to work on lighting during the blockout as well.
Nice scene you got there, the blockout looks solid.
I have one question to you. How did you spawn the skeleton player meshes?
could you give me the command?
cheers Joel
@Plastix - Thank you for the thread. Really nice to see a breakdown like that.
@Nintendo46 - I started with the 3rd person example level with the example assets. In my game folder > character > HeroTPP
Anyways, I'm about to move on with the scene. I've really been trying to nail the blockout to ensure the rest of the scene comes together. Here are some images.
It's funny I'm doing this exact scene atm too! (although I'm probs going at a much slower pace lol and I need to make a thread too)
keep going and I look forward to the finished environment
Hard Plastic
Painted Metal
(pretend the red is a normal map)
In the concept, I am a bit unsure of how to do the center mid-wall piece and all of that detail. Do I model it out so that I can use specifically placed UVs to get those panels and bolts in, do I use decal actors in UE4, or do I just do custom bakes and mirror it horizontally/lengthwise
Anyways, a SS. Getting caught up in this technical stuff but I think once I get past it I can have more updates for you guys!! (Maybe something that looks cool too)
All objects use layered textures to save memory. Materials are still a bit placeholder.
Also: I can't take 100% credit for lighting. Alex Rodriguez suggested a darker lighting early and the image plastix posted helped as well!
There is a bunch more but I'll just fix it an post in the next update.
Any other ideas off the top of your head?
There also is going to be a birthday scene as a bonus when I'm finished with a half-eaten cake on the front table, happy birthday sign, cups/water on the floor, and streamers. But that's after I finish
THe one thing that sticks out to me is how alot of the detail seems very flat. Don't be afraid to model in as much detail as you need, and really push and pull that depth on the pieces. This will also help to break the sillouettes. Geometry, especially for portfolio pieces should never be a concern.
I would also make sense of how the geometry gets shoved into other pieces of geometry. GIve it some kind of information that helps to make sense of it. For example the part of the seats that connect to the floor, give it some kind of lip or "skirt" that makes sense on how they talk to one another. You have some pillars and other pieces of geometry up top that do the same thing.
Ya, for sure. I wrote a bit in my last post. I'm sorry I guess I missed the second half of your post somehow!? Anyways, I will definitely get some depth going, which I assume you mean the fact that everything is pretty flat up top.
I'm a bit confused about the flowing shapes. I'm not sure exactly what you mean so I'm going to leave that alone for now.
Hmm. I do disagree but it's easy enough with my setup to adjust the roughness value in Substance Designer so I will give it a shot and compare both images. I kind of like the latex feel of the chairs but maybe when I change the roughness I will realize that what I have looks meh.
Thank you. Hmm, the flatness echos what Alex was saying so it's definitely something I need to fix.
Shit.... You're 100% right. Yea, I was trying to keep it pretty light texture res/geo wise but it looks like I need to re-do some pieces and for-sure add in the parts where pieces connect/slot-in.
Thank you again everyone for the critiques. I'm hoping that this can be used as a solid portfolio piece when I graduate next year so any more input as I make the changes above is more than welcome.
Right now it looks like they would be sitting on some really hard/shiny bumps.
Other than that, it looks very good.
Oh that would be sweeeet. There is plenty for me to fix in the mean-time
I apologize that I won't be incorporating your crit fully. This project has been a lot of learning for me and I really need to finish it up/not burn out to apply what I have learned (and all of the critiques) to my next project.
@Swarm - Yea, I completely re-did the lighting this past week. I will post a new screenshot when I get the new assets textured agian.
Things to do:
- Decals
- Geo around chairs and stuff to make them feel more grounded and like they actually intersect with the other pieces
- Maybe re-light again?
- Figure out how matinee works and how to render out a sequence.
And playing around with the lights flickering on in the beginning for that extra..
So I should have posted this last night when I finished it. Got a beautiful paint-over and I made the changes, I really like the results
The image has been polished more since then so there's still work to be done!!!
Or at least that is my guess because he did not mention your images and I remember sometime AlexCatMasterSupreme using Puu.sh.
Anyway I am loving this so far keep it up!