Pretty cool — I haven't tried the autosave iteration feature yet but I think manually saving iterations makes a lot more sense. You can also do iterations automatically if you're saving to dropbox but that might not always be convenient.
Big thanks to MonkeybrotherJr for this and keep in mind it is a beta !!!
Unwraps a mesh from its UV coordinates. The flattened mesh is a morph target, which means that the original mesh is untouched and that you can morph between the original and the flattened mesh.
Just this morning i was thinking about this, you could simply morph target any object and have the same result. But never the less a good idea to have a script for that, and on top it's for Modo. :poly128:
I still dont quite understand why is this useful. I mean yes you will get your uvs into 3D space as a morph map for original mesh, but what then? What is the benefit in this all?
Been playing around with this script today (it's been around a while) and if you have ever needed to fracture a mesh then this makes it painless. It's actually 3 scripts in one :poly121:
Arnie Cachelin
By creating a morph map, you create an alternate set of positions for the vertices in the mesh. When you apply smoothing to the morph, not the base shape, only the morph gets smoothed. The various UV tools can use these alternate smoothed positions for computing UVs, but the UVs apply to the vertices themselves, and no longer care what the 3d position of the base shape vertices or any of the morph shapes is.
This is a monster tool as it enables you to access ALL of Seneca Menard's scripts from one button. Big thanks to Etereas AKA Cristobal Vila for this :thumbup:
I think it's for people who strictly use Modo and do their uvs with it. After having used Modo for a while I can see this method of un-tangling UVs as quite convenient. Last time I checked the UV tools didn't have pelt-mapping like say Unfold3D or 3DSMax and this seems like a way to ease the pain.
Now there's always the chance I am being dense here and missed the point.
put a circle on any mesh using 3 verts. Add the script to your "run script folder" and it asks how many sides you want. You get a perfect circle on your mesh that is independent of the original mesh, the rest is up to you !
If you have ever wanted to add cables to your model it can be tedious. This script does the work for you using verts as the connecting points.
Would really like to mention the person who created these but the site is in Japanese.
repete, you should probably create a thread with all useful scripts in one place that you will be updating once in a while with new useful scripts, that way its easier to keep track of all the stuff. But yeah, thanks for posting this im sure it will come useful one day.
repete, you should probably create a thread with all useful scripts in one place that you will be updating once in a while with new useful scripts, that way its easier to keep track of all the stuff. But yeah, thanks for posting this im sure it will come useful one day.
Yeah, the effort is great, but please create a "modo scripts" thread or something and post them all in there, otherwise you're making a bunch of threads per day that are hard to find.
repete, you should probably create a thread with all useful scripts in one place that you will be updating once in a while with new useful scripts, that way its easier to keep track of all the stuff. But yeah, thanks for posting this im sure it will come useful one day.
Your right I am getting way out of hand, starting to look like a modo script forum :poly122:
Maybe admin or a moderator could combine them ?
I combined them and renamed the thread to "Modo scripts" let me know if you want a more interesting name or something. Also let me know if I missed any.
You could also update the original thread to provide links to all the scripts as you post them.
Various tools for controlling vertex normals within MODO.
It gives options for:
Edge smoothing (hard/soft edges and smoothing groups).
Weighting of vertex normals (area and/or angle, or full).
Calculating more accurate normals for non-planar polygons than MODO does natively.
Transferring normals from background to foreground mesh.
Transferring morph map values to normal map values.
This is very quick for baking color maps. It color codes each mesh in your model and creates a new scene - which is used to bake easy selection sets for texturing.
Big thanks to Ariel Chai AKA Svartberg for this script.
This is a 701 801 plugin to create floors quickly and easily.
Big thanks to MonkeybrotherJr for this:poly121:
Installation: Unpack and put in "Configs" or "Kits" folder.
Mac users only: FML uses GEOS, an external python library. A .dmg with the library is included and needs to be installed manually.
How to use:
Select one (1) mesh item
Select at least one polygon (FML only works on flat surfaces (floors))
Activate tool (saw icon)
Click on the selected polygons.
select two edges (1st edge=sweep axis, 2nd edge sets the plane)
select poly
run script
<enter desired segments & degrees>
I left the poly selected so you can bevel it or delete it or whatever. note: select the edges in clock wise direction if you want outward/positive extrusion
(if selected in counter clockwise direction, it'll extrude inward or in (-) direction)
This is a script to quickly create windows from selected polygons.
There are options for window depth, frame width, microbevel for extra niceness, numer of horizontal/vertical mullions and so on. It creates materials automatically and can optionally save the "converted" polygons for later use (why? I don't know, but someone might find it handy).
It operates on the whole selection or on every individual selected polygon.
Drop the kit in the "configs" folder, restart/start modo. There should be an icon in the "modo tools" toolbar.
Save this as a text file (give the text file a proper name and put it in your user scripts folder, then copy and paste it into your "run script" folder.
Big thanks to Keith for this !!!
Big thanks to Captain Obvious for this.
I have yet to try this on 801 but it works well on 701 !!!
It's highly useful, it's the first thing i do whenever i get my hands on a new "app" i go straight to the UV module and try morph targets + UV.
This lets you pick any object, slice and unpack it on the grid to check your UVs.
I may do a tutorial on the subject someday.
Smart Triangulation
Bake Locators to UV
and below is how to use it translated from Russian:
and here is a vid:
Firstly you will need Seneca's Scripts.
These are the most up to date versions.
Then you need Etereas script tool.
How to use:
Copy & Paste the "seneca_tools_launcher.cfg" file (from Etereas folder) into the scripts folder of "senemodo" (seneca's scripts folder).
Then add the "senemodo" folder to your user scripts folder in modo and restart.
You will then have one button on the top tool bar (S) that gives you access to all of seneca's scripts:
The link below shows what these scripts do:
##NB## There are issues with some of these scripts in 601, 701 and 801 as some of them do not work at all or do not work as expected.
Now there's always the chance I am being dense here and missed the point.
put a circle on any mesh using 3 verts. Add the script to your "run script folder" and it asks how many sides you want. You get a perfect circle on your mesh that is independent of the original mesh, the rest is up to you !
If you have ever wanted to add cables to your model it can be tedious. This script does the work for you using verts as the connecting points.
Would really like to mention the person who created these but the site is in Japanese.
You can download them here:
Yeah, the effort is great, but please create a "modo scripts" thread or something and post them all in there, otherwise you're making a bunch of threads per day that are hard to find.
Maybe admin or a moderator could combine them ?
I combined them and renamed the thread to "Modo scripts" let me know if you want a more interesting name or something. Also let me know if I missed any.
You could also update the original thread to provide links to all the scripts as you post them.
Purpose: To easily slice between an arbitrary number of verts/edges, where each slice bisects the edge it crosses.
Big thanks to Mark (Onim) for this script.
How to use:
Big thanks to ylaz for this.
A Demonstration on how it works:
Big thanks to Philip Lawson for this script.
Thanks to ylaz for this.
In use:
Move the resulting folder to User Scripts folder.
Download for modo 701 and up:
For older versions you can visit Muhameds site:
for modo 701 and up:
For older versions you can visit Muhameds site:
Various tools for controlling vertex normals within MODO.
It gives options for:
Edge smoothing (hard/soft edges and smoothing groups).
Weighting of vertex normals (area and/or angle, or full).
Calculating more accurate normals for non-planar polygons than MODO does natively.
Transferring normals from background to foreground mesh.
Transferring morph map values to normal map values.
download MODO 701/801:
Download for 701 & 801:
Big thanks to Ariel Chai AKA Svartberg for this script.
Click and forget :thumbup:
It bevels the side edges of a cube into a cylinder.
select two edges and run script !
Big thanks to MonkeybrotherJr for this:poly121:
Installation: Unpack and put in "Configs" or "Kits" folder.
Mac users only: FML uses GEOS, an external python library. A .dmg with the library is included and needs to be installed manually.
How to use:
Select one (1) mesh item
Select at least one polygon (FML only works on flat surfaces (floors))
Activate tool (saw icon)
Click on the selected polygons.
##NB## should be considered an early alpha !
Download for 701:
Download for 801:
grounds multiple selected objects with option to drop to work plane !
In use:
Download 701 801:
Usage vid:
##NB## Action Center must be set to "Automatic" for this script to work
Mental :poly121:
Again I would like to mention the person who created this but the site is in Japanese!
Thanks to MonkeybrotherJr for this.
Drop the kit in the "configs" folder, restart/start modo. There should be an icon in the "modo tools" toolbar.
Having a ball myself with these :thumbup:
Big thanks to Peter Respondek for this tool :thumbup:
T-Junction Repair
Merge Polygons
Merge Vertices
Collision Tools
Reduce Planar
What do you what the script to do ?
? {} txuv false {0.78 0.78 0.78} 1.0
You can also create a new form and assign it to a HOT key.
You can also just duplicate it if you have a specific amount of uv maps you want to use:
? {} txuv false {0.78 0.78 0.78} 1.0
? {} txuv false {0.78 0.78 0.78} 1.0
? {} txuv false {0.78 0.78 0.78} 1.0