Well I thought I'd give it a go and create a few sets for some DOTA 2 character, after seeing all the amazing work you guys have been producing. Plus it seem like a nice little way to further my hand painted texturing training, so why not kill two birds with one stone, eh?
Anyways for my first set, I was scrolling through the roster of characters coming up with ideas, themes for the ones that stood out to me. At the same time I was sketching down rough idea just in case I get caught up in something else and out of them I found the Drow idea to be a good place to start.
So for the Drow Ranger set I focused on fabric wraps and protective pads as a theme to use throughout the piece. You can see my latest work in progress below, most of it I am happy with to push on but certain aspects, mainly the hair needs redoing or scrapped altogether. As for colour scheme I'm aiming for a dark/light blue tint she sports already with little injection of orange here and there but I rework all that when it comes to texturing.
Anyways if you've got any feedback or suggest please feel free.

The asymmetry and dichotomy of the plates vs wraps are really making me swoon over this set.
Welcome to the Dota scene, and have a merry christmas man
If I didn't take a look at the facial features and body armour, I really thought it was the other archer hero Windrunner/Windranger. Really love the silhouette of the cloak but ribbon rings need to have some way in indicate it's sewn and attached on the cloak surface. At first I thought the rings were sewn into holes on the cloak but then the ribbons tell otherwise.
I feel that ribbon ring element needs to be repeated somewhere in the front. The armour pads with bolts makes me think of steampunk, maybe you might wanna expand on that?
Straights vs. curves are eye-pleasing stuff, develop it more~
Heboltz3, Thanks pal. Good call on the neck wrap and its association with Windrunner. Because of that Ive decided to drop it all together from the design in favour for a more stream lined version. So its there in essence. Id glad to hear you also enjoy the combination of plate and wraps and I thought this could play into the whole stereotypical ranger persona of lightly armoured, flowy cape. Thanks and Merry Christmas to you also, hope you had a good one.
Bernoully, Cheers. Yeah thats my bad; I forgot to unhide the additional fabric sub-tool that connects the ribbons to the rest of the cape. You can see it in the new update below.
Ive also taken your suggestion on board and tried to repeat the ringed ribbon effect elsewhere on the set and the best place I found was the shoulder pad after I slight rework. I have other ideas for similar places within the set but you can get a general idea of what Im going for now.
BladeofEvilBane, Excellent, thanks. After reading what you and Bernoully suggested Ive decided to move the shoulder pad to the other side of Drow as she will be facing that way in a fight, so the sensible thing to do is to have it on that side. As well as playing with the shape more, I decided to roll with a face guard thatll protect her face from incoming fire, in addition to that it should give a better silhouette to. Im planning on playing more with it but at the moment idea 1 is working for me.
Decided to press on with the design and flesh out the set a bit more. I've also addressed the hair and scrapped the orginal idea of ring weights.
I was also wondering guys if there is any offical runes, engravings or what have you that they use in DOTA 2?