Hey guys! Recently a concept I drew was turned into a 3D model by someone for the DOTA2 workshop. It was accepted! Here's the link to the item:
Anywho, I love the style of this game and thought I'd try my hand at making some items myself (half for my love of this style and the other half because $.$)
Someone mentioned I do a set for Clinkz, because he doesn't have much. So here are some bow designs. I'm not sure I'll do a whole set...we'll see.
Totally open to paintovers and critiques. (completely forgot about the bow string in these so the models will be different to fit the string :P)

Let me know which ones you like the most. I'll probably model 2 and 3
If you'd like to model one all I ask is 10% of what you make from it and ask me first.
I'd totally like to do D, or E with some slight variation. Doesn't look like he could hold E very firmly in the middle, but I like the jawbone treatment on these. Really compliments the natural shape of the bow.
Thanks guys! I'll try to get some more work done on my breaks today.
sculpt of B
I guess we have a winner
I used zspheres for the whole thing because I don't know how to properly use zbrush
any tips for the future would greatly help
The good news is you guys can model whichever of those you want without having to give me a penny
I might update this thread here and there with Dota items that I'll do just for practice.
I'd rather receive nothing than not give you a cut
@Hawt aw too kind. But honestly if I can't, you might as well do it, it's fine with me
In other words: He probably can't work for Valve because they are or could be competitors in business.
well when you put it that way
Yeah man try this, talk to a friend of yours and get the money. Btw this is a pretty lame contract, I can see the point to try to keep the good stuff only for then, but still... >.>
Hawt I don't think emailing valve will do much; it's the company I work for that wouldn't be cool with it and I don't think Valve could change that haha
Apparently the contract states that I can't do anything game art related for profit in my free time
However! I haven't signed the contract yet so my manager said I could make stuff till I do! So HawtKoffee, finish that bow if you'd like
I think I'll call this sculpt done. Some people mentioned it was too fat before for a bow so I slimmed it down, but I might slim it further once it's baked.
For example, the company I currently work at has a "dibs" policy: whatever I make outside of work hours, they get first dibs on. However, if they don't want it (or act on it fast enough), I can use it for whatever I want. Earn money, whatever. My project managers don't even care about what I work on outside of work hours as long as the stuff I still turn in is still high quality. (caveat: I do not work in the art industry, but I think the concepts should be the same.)
Here are some other options you could explore:
-Negotiate it away completely!
-Negotiate specific companies that the non-compete applies to
-If you can't get rid of it, negotiate a higher salary
-Check your state laws: non-competes are illegal in california
From the 5 min of googling, it looks like artists have an easier time negotiating non-competes, since you're not gaining trade secrets or new skills at the company. :O
Good luck!
(Also, your concepts are awesome.)
Foxclover, that's a really cool idea (the dibs thing). I'll mention that to my manager! I feel like I'm getting paid a good, fair amount right now so I don't think I'll ask for a raise. I am a junior, after all, in a small studio.
Got the bake done but I'm not too happy with it...The teeth got all goobied up. I tried three different bakes and uv layouts but couldn't make the 500 tri limit without making some sacrifices. 'Twas a sad morning.
What I've learned so far:
- I added too many silhouette details in the design. There are 4 "prongs" when really I just needed two and could have done without the tusks
- First time sculpting a cloth wrap. Started over like 5 times last night with poly modeling and sculpting but finally found something that kind of worked. Really need to figure out how to do good cloth straps...
- More symmetry next time! This can only be mirrored on the x-axis. Yuck. This means that a 256 texture looks super blurry. For my future weapons I'll try and mirror it on z or y as well...
There's the final bake. I have a feeling Steam won't accept it when the teeth are like that but this is my first one and basically a tester to figure out the workflow.
I'll try and get some more concepts out this weekend!
In the mean time, here's my deviantart: http://julionicoletti.deviantart.com/gallery/
I don't really have weapon or armour designs there but I have a lot of skulls and stuff so you might find it inspiring if you're doing something for doom chaos knight etc ;P
Time to texture!
Texture time!
Brightened up the blades, Nobelbutterfly!
So again... this asset is quite bland colourwise...I guess artistically that's just how I like to make things. Next piece I promise will be more flashy