hi everybody
i`d like to share with u my work, which i`ve done on the project that was currently relased - Deadfall Adventurer. I was responsible for stuff that is connected to the environment - mainly concepting, meshing, lighting, post process but i also had to do a large portion of various assets for the game: vehicles, items, props etc. Entire team of The Farm 51 put their work to this screens (more or less)- by making assets, particles, level design or providing feedback and conceptions.
my exact contribution to the scene will be described beneath the screens. enjoy

lighting, post process, corecting first pass meshing, adding details
lighting, post process

This scene is based on the concept/artwork of other artist - i was responisible essentially for making everything u see in this scene expect books on shelfs, building behind the window, rubbish on the floor and particles. I had to make all assets, textures, set the mood and lighting for the room.
Designig the route of the minecart, concept for the level, meshing and details, lighting, mood and atmosphere, post process. I also did some of the small assets like tracks,planks, lamps, cantilever etc Many other talented people were providing feedback and assets for this level - refining conception and the route of the mincart, doing first pass meshing, making particles and materials
Was wondering yesterday if I get the game actually
You Really should consider redoing all the screenshots and force Antialiasing and anisotropic filtering in your GPU driver settings (or in the game if it has that)
It is really apparent, on the room scenes, lack of AF is visible 5m in, and no AA just hurts your images alot.