Hi guys,
I decided to make a progress thread for my character work since I haven't had one for quite a while and nothing beats having other artists look at my stuff and possibly point out the things I don't see anymore (I'm kind of immune to my own mistakes/screw ups + being a simple shadow on Polycount and just lurking 95% of the time isn't helping me either).
For the time being, I'm making some heads. Here are the recent ones:

And this is something I started this weekend. Mainly to practice texturing skin:

Any and all constructive criticism/feedback (or comments) are more than welcome!
Looking really great, especially the fringe lady.
@Mr Smo, Appreciate the comment man! And agreed about the hair to the head transition, it's too smooth since I just slap a sphere on top. I'm thinking to dynamesh these parts together at the end in the future so it looks like the hair is growing from the head and not a wig that was put on (kind of like what selwy does). None of these will end up being game-ready so the topology doesn't matter a bit.
They are coming along really nicely though
Really cool stuff. I agree that the hair is distracting because it is unfinished looking compared to the rendering of the face. And they do look like they are related but I love your sculpting. I look forward to more.
@amile, Glad you like em, thank you! I wish I was a professional haha
@ysalex, thanks man. Agreed that they all look somewhat similar - will look out for differences in the future and make much bolder changes.
@KristaW, hey, thanks for the comment! Hair is definitely my weakest point at the moment. Since I usually work on them last, I guess I get a bit lazy. Patience is key, especially when it comes to hair as it can take a long time to get it right.
Here's a female torso study that I did today:
My body anatomy is somewhat weak.. The nipples are too shallow, for example (noticed it just now). They should be the highest point from the side view like shown here (NSFW)
Any comments or crits are more than welcome
The heads are great. However the female body needs some attention, the abdomen is a bit off. The clavicle and the sternum intersection seems off too. It seems that the body parts are not on the same body. If a girl's ribcage is that visible, then the ribs from the sternum makes similar bumps (above the breasts).
I'd soften the rectus abdominalis, because it doesn't fit into the model. Soften also the clavicle, and check also the external oblique's shape. Anyway, it looks really good so far!
Here's another head sketch:
Paid special attention to proportions so hopefully she looks a little bit different from the other heads I've made. Will try to go for somebody with a short face next.
@Yuri, Thanks for the suggestions man. I did just that - sculpted a head with a different facial structure from reference (not an actress though). Paid special attention to proportions of her skull so she shouldn't match any of my other heads:
..and here are some torso studies:
Your last face is really starting break away from familiarity
The torso studies are looking great. The one thing that pops out to me it the woman's clavicle seems too sharp. I'm curious if it looks that sharp in your reference. And maybe a little high? It could just be the lighting and the angle but it seems to make a sharp corner at the bottom of the neck.
Cool stuff as usual Kot.
Here's the latest head:
Want to take a shot at some celebrity to see if I can nail the likeness sometime in the next couple of weeks.
Keep up !
@Aga22, definitely not haha, but I can see some similarities
@Abrvpt, Glad you like the variations!
Here's the latest doodle:
The nose is similar in shape to the one above, but overall I wouldn't call this a throwaway sculpt.
@Luke, Hey thanks for the compliment man, glad you like em! My goal is exactly that - realism, though with a tiny bit of stylization because I'm also going for appeal. I used to make realistic heads without concern for appeal not that long ago and I've been told that my female heads were "ugly". So now I'm trying to find balance, though I'm still leaning more towards realism than stylization for the very reason you mentioned. Again, it means a lot coming from you, I think your characters are really epic!
Here are some arm studies:
Was thinking of shelling out for those 3d scans for closer study of anatomy but I missed their sale date so not sure if I'll get them anytime soon..
And some leg anatomy:
Got to try making some full bodies next. Would love to hear any feedback guys!
@Torch, Glad you dig 'em, Phil!
@Fomori, That's how the noses were in the reference photographs that were used (except for the African dude where I obviously messed up the tip of his nose - sits a bit too low). Will play closer attention to them the next time. Cheers mate!
Been working on some body anatomy:
Definitely need to do more of these since they provide a great deal of challenge (and take long too!)
Some recent heads:
Can anybody guess who she is? If not, then I didn't do a very good job!
And a simple hand:
really nice to see progress and jennifer is great
But i have a feeling that the eyes of the other heads are a bit too similar.
anyway just my two cents. Keep it up!
what helped me is to work on form over anything else, this means avoiding cut ins like laughing lines and using the inflate brush a fair bit to emphasise underlying forms. The more likenesses you try you will probably notice how smooth faces actually are and its the underlying structures which are doing most of the work.
Everyone has a style to their work, even the jukes and grassettis have ways of doing stuff thats noticeable, the trick is learning to notice them and make sure it isnt as noticeable from piece to piece, I have the same problem haha, I think people see me coming from miles away haha
had a bit of time during lunch to do a ham fisted paintover of jen to show you what I mean, take with a pinch of salt though as its super quick. Ive changed her eye shape, smoothed lots of features, shrunk her nose and mouth, I also think the hair isnt working for her either, bit too 80s haha, fantastic stuff though
@Korgoth, Hey, glad you're liking these; thanks for following my work!
@crazyfool, I hear ya Tom!
In terms of everyone having their own style - agreed, I can definitely spot your work from miles away
Appreciate you dropping by and taking the time to do the paintover! I'm working on some other things at the moment, but she'll get a revision sometime in the future for sure. p.s. I love everything 80's haha
Here's a wip of another full body sculpt:
@Krista, Thank you, you're too kind!
A weekend sketch:
Anatomy study wip:
Will work on her body next.
Did some texturing, here's an update:
Loving it all, old man, female face, body, polypaint, all of it.
2 things though:
Firstly, her nose is wide as you point out. That's fine its just that is looks to square, as if you have startet from the planes of the face and then haven't smoothed them out enough.
Secondly your shoulders look weird from the side view. Its like the top of the deltoid is in front of the clavicle instead of being fastened to the end of it.
Keep up the awesome work, and talk to you soon in our meetings
Keep up the good stuff !