Hiya! Just thought I'd start dumping a few things here instead of a thread all to itself as I'll be working on in it in spare time between uni work, any crits welcomed:
Trampa Board:

(Mountain boarding is a great sport! highly recommend giving it a google

I'll try and update as often as possible!

Low Poly update! Finally got round to starting to texturing this, Need to fix some seam errors on the Tires and make a Dirt and wear pass.
(edit, also just noticed the double T in doesn't XD)
Where are you going to school?
Cheers dude, The grips are supposed to be rubber pads so will have a play with them a bit more.
I'm also currently at Hertfordshire in the UK
Changed up the tires based on comments and also put some more polys to help the silhouette of them to.