Hi all!
This is my first topic on polycount, which is dedicated to Axe hero.
Let's start.
Need any feedback with choosing basic color for axe's head:

after choosing color, I'll make small details( like scratches).
also need help with shoulders( please give me your advice, which one is suitable for head/mask):

P.S. these are rough versions, I need just your feedback(2d/3d artists and Dota 2 item makers like Vlad) (:
my English isn't good, I use google translate
Does anyone know how to make metallic noise like this Axe's head in Zbrush( mby some Alphas):
I've done this "Epic" set!!!!
please comment it.
The only thing I think I would change is the colour of the silver on the piece of fabric over his shoulder. Though that would mean adding in another colour to the set which is primarily two colours... Actually the more I look at it, part of the charm of the set is the silver, which also adds to the originality of the set. A lot of Axe items tend to be dark.
OK I've rambled on too much..
TL;DR Fantastic quality, original concept, would buy.