Thanks to
Spug for the awesome concept. Was a lot of fun.
Now, I originally thought, man I could do this Darksiders specs and have a lot of fun. Then I thought, what if Darksiders was FPcam.
So in the spirit of the ridiculous, I went FPWeapon on it and dumped tri's like there was no tomorrow. :poly142:

Compilation Image too big for the forum imo.
If you guys want full flats, I don't mind I just think that tex pres style looks cool

Couple things left to fix, but for now dis how it be.
Any crits are welcome as always, I'll take 'em into account when I do final touch-ups.
You are missing some highlighting in the diffuse tho. I would bring those edge highlights you have in the specular up way stronger , they are nearly not noticeable and that would give your shape much better definition on the crystals. Also if you want to make great painted crystals, you could paint the falling off edges with different
lighter gradients, it looks nearly organic right now.
Shrike: I tried to pushed the spec as far as I could without it dominating the diffuse even in ambient lighting, but I'll give it a go again when I pick this back up. I will definitely push the diffuse more with the extra defining and such as you mentioned and see if that helps offset it. Thanks for the crit.
Brad: Hah thanks man. The concept be Spug's of course
As for the blade material, I was going for kind of a hyper gloss polished stone (marble-esc) / obsidian glassy rock type feel. Just with Spug's awesome colors.
I missed some of the forms, but to be honest, I was happy just to be able to navigate in zbrush! Looking to try and incorporate it into my workflow more from now on. Lot faster than trying to Sub-d something like the blade :poly122:
Subtle 1irony: Thanks man. As for the presentation haha, background idea stolen directly from Spug (color pick and everything!).
In the concept it reads as stone, but in yours with the "hyper gloss" it reads sorta like a weird alien mineral or something. I would say that the originality of your final render is really cool and I dig it, but if you want to demonstrate more real world materials then push the stone look of the concept. Either way really cool piece dude!
DAHHHH!!! THIS IS AWESOME! I FUCKING LOVE IT! All the shapes in Geo are reading very nice! I am very flattered to see this man, this is badass! Sean Vangorder showed it to me via our google hangout, loving it dude!
Oh yeah, as far as what Brad said, I totally agree, I think pushing the asset a little more in the diffuse and changing up your spec so each part of the sword will read different will go a long way.
Curiosity. What did you model this in?
As well, could you possibly make it a mod for Skyrim, Left 4 Dead 2, or another game? Slashing infected or stabbing Imperials with this would be amazing.