Hey Guys!
Its been Almost 3 Years since i posted any work i have done here at Digital Extremes. Its been a crazy couple years and i can honestly say i have learnt so much since i started and i feel like i have a lot more to learn!
I Did a lot on
Star Trek was there during Pre-Production and did a slew of different things, Below you can see some of the work i did.
If you would like to see some of my
Halo 4 work or additional star trek/personal pieces please goto my site
(Im unable to post Halo 4 stuff in Public forums):
Btw, your link at the top of the post is broken...
Hey guys here to update my art dump once more, the below screens are from the Battlemaster for Mechwarrior Online. I created several Variations to the battlemaster as there are a wide array of customization options. Ill be sure to update this thread with High Poly renders once i get approval from work.
Scroll down for new images
[SIZE=-2]Artist credits: Textures created by Gabriel Kessler[/SIZE]
Also one last thing before I left Digital Extremes i was tasked in making the MarkV retro armor for Halo 4, this was really awesome being a huge halo nut myself.
Artist credits: Gun,Techsuit,and Background map created by 343 artists.[/SIZE]
hope you guys enjoy and here is a little teaser to me rebooting my Athena scene:
@JONNYquid: thanks man! was pretty amazing to be able to work on such an iconic armor.
[SIZE=-2]Artist credits: High-Poly/Low-Poly/Bakes and Weapon variants created by me. Textures created by Gabriel Kessler
[/SIZE]I Hope to have more mechs to show in the coming months once they are released and out in the wild, ill be busy with these for the next few months also(with the rest of the mech team):
Check out the game its pretty awesome if you like tactical team play style games
@woogity: Most of the mechs come with 3 color variations a primary secondary and trim colors. the top image is just the default with all colors on the same value.
@scudzalmighty: haha its a assault mech so stompy is correct :P
@Paulsvobodo: thanks man that really means a lot coming from you, your gears and Infiltrator dumps are amazing
@add3r: thanks man!
Great work buddy!
Armanski... I legit love when you take dumps all over me, and this art dump is no different, looking super sexy buddy!
PS. I miss you... I miss you so much!
@Mr Smo & eyo: thanks guys!
was already guessing that the king crap was made by you!
@ged: i haven't really used maya for my high-poly workflow so im not sure how powerful it is compared to 3ds max. but yeah seeing what tor frick is able to do in such a short time with modo is amazing.
ill see if i can get them to post some stuff
Yeah i have so many work in progress projects that need to get posted, but not until there ready :P
@shinobix: Vancouver is awesome! love being back home. miss the DE crew though
Also we are currently looking to fill a 3d artist role here at the studio follow this link for more info: CLICK HERE
High-poly/Low-poly/Bakes and Weapon Variants created by me, Textures created by Texture Team.:
Also Mechwarrior Online has just been released on steam if you havent already go take a look: