Hello people!
I'm trying to make a 3D version of this character. I originaly started back in 2011 as a portfolio piece, but never finished it when I landed my job.
Here is the original concept from Redjuice:
Anyway. I thought of going back to it and complete it, with my new XP gained since then.
So I took a look, and bouuuuaarg :poly127:
Last weekend I took my mesh and resculpted the body a lot. I started a few base mesh for the 'plugsuit' and the hair.
So here are my current screens:

I kinda struggling with the face a bit, and she probably need some rework on the anatomy. Trying to find the right blend between realism and the concept.

Thanks for any comment & critics ! :poly121:
I reworked a lot of the body this evening in ZB. I think it's a lot better than it was!
Comments and crits welcome!
Yeah more pictures!
I made some progress again on the body, reworked her bottom, smoothed those horrible ribs I had left and reshaped a bit the jaw and brow.
I completed the 1st pass on the hair, I'll redo it in order to have a cleaner result.
Whadd'ya think
You're probably right, I may have flatten it while adjusting the brows. I'll have a look
(EDIT: I changed the link to the concept in the 1st post, does it work now(it has always worked for me)?)
Started the base of the suit:
Getting there slowly