hey guys,
so i wanted to make another girl, a year on from the start of the create a girl course with hazardous. i wanted to use it as a progress benchmark, see how much/if i've even improved at all in the last year... now, the course started around this time last year but it finished about 3 or 4 months from then but i feel like this is as good a benchmark as any to use!
i've only worked on her for about two weeks, tops. i'm trying to take advantage of some downtime which is due to end sometime this week.
some people have seen me working on this in the polycount hangouts, but i figured i should start posting up progress. i'm at the point now where i need to really start detailing out my textures and get ready for final poses/renders.
here's my current progress!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7bBCyJFArrY"]Jean_Grey_Turntable - YouTube[/ame]

Although since you are still working on the texture those may have been all things you were planning on changing anyway.
very cool though! I'll keep an eye on this.
Overall its shaping up to be a treat but I think you could add more hair to her to get a better sense of volume and it could be longer in length as well. Plus i know this is WIP but she's missing that all important "X" on her belt.
keep at it mate I'll be watching like a hawk.
The skin is looking gorgeous so far.
I agree with the comments about adding more to the hair, getting that nice thick volume of hair she'd have.
Also, as Shiniku said - some eyeshadow/makeup will make her more in line with other comic book females (if that is indeed what you're aiming for) and it'll help make her eyes "pop" more.
Either way she is looking great so far, keep it up!
or is the polycount on it still massive?
anyways good job man, looks awesome!
will look at doing a makeup pass or two as well, thanks for the feedback guys!
It's giving an impression to me of a floating face - and one that doesn't really catch my eye because I distracted by the headlamp. I would recommend maybe adding a subtle gradient to the blue material so that the head area is lighter, and trying to make the head and jaw pop out from the neck a bit more. (in the last pic it's just a solid colour almost!) For her night light maybe aim for brightness levels akin to Di$array's second image. And maybe desaturate your favourite references to see how they handled the values.
See you in hangouts!
struggling a little with the 1-bit alpha in the crytek SDK though.
I have little comments...Mainly cause I'm not exactly a character person. This is going to come from whatever lady side of me I have left. personally I think the make-up can do with another pass? less red? Perhaps a smokey eye even
Also I think the sleeves could look a bit more welded into the garment cause at the moment they look a little detached. I don't know what they're called exactly, I just call them Gaga sleeves and hope people get what I mean. Maybe if you look at how those work and are sown together you could make your sleeves look a bit more convincing.
That's my two cents. Sorry if it didn't make cents.
1. spinal curve is way too much, as if she is sticking out her butt. looks a bit odd.
2. her costume is digging into her butt crack.
3. shape of the feet or boot sole is off. see image below.
4. forearm looks too short, or elbow is too far down may be.
I think if it's that tight it would stretch across the grooves, not cling to them.
As with her elbows falling short her arms look like they're lacking a lot of muscle mass.
Throw some meat on the girl, only a dog wants a bone! :P
I'm assuming you're adding a little wear & tear when you say "detailing your textures" so I won't go into that.
Looking great though man, keep at it!
I'm not trying to get all uppity, but that's a shitty thing to say.
one thing id say is she needs more volume in her hair, right now it seems quite thin and you can make out each separate strand of hair.
final renders taken from inside the Crytek SDK.
Dan! - it's just the style of all my folio pieces, if/when i change my folio site i'll update the images as well.
Justin - i agree, i think it's a combination of maybe having it turned up too high on the texture and the way the engine is shading it. texture flat for the diffuse below though.
Crazyfool - i completely agree, i'm a total noob with this SDK man so i definitely need to dig into it. it's got some amazing tools though so i'm looking forward to it. for now though i've manually scaled her down in photoshop, hopefully looks a little better now?
Ged - same as crazyfool :P