Hi PC! Thanks for this challenge!
In the Russian version of the first DOTA Sniper had an alternative name of the legendary sniper 62nd Army Stalingrad front -
Vasily Zaytsev...

I'll try to give this tradition a second chance and try to keep all the features of the character
Last update: Workshop
Update to new awesome Sniper model =^___^= Was remade some geometry, skinning and materials

ingame tests


base shapes


I have been playing dota for over 5 years every day=) and I will try to write everything careful and with dota-humor...Thx
this sketch is just ... masterpiece
Sorry for the paragraph, but it would be a shame for your set to not have much of a chance because it's too modern. The Dota workshop community are pretty fanatical about stuff like that and if they think it doesn't fit the game they'll make it known. They pretty much got the Alpine Ursa set removed from the game because of the outcry that it didn't fit the character.
just compare it to Tinker's mechanisms lol
this rifle looks fitting and pretty simple
Thanks for the comments, I'll think and try to smooth this, but I want to remain recognizable Mosin rifle.
Sorry if I'm coming off as a dick, just trying to help. Either way this will be one of the sets to watch.
I don't see anything in the concept art which is outside of the realm on Dota 2; the gun as an intricate scope but that's about it and it's no more advanced than the default goggles for Sniper.
I like it. Just make sure it reads well; all them smaller details
I think that's enough ... additional changes I make during the modeling process. Time is time...
Additionaly question: enybody know how worked double-side materials like cloak of some heroes? At the valve-note said: "Please note that Dota 2 does not support double-sided materials; you will need to create geometry where a backside is needed."
But some items are rendered as double sided without thickness...Or previews render is double-sided by default, but in the game it did not work?
Yes, tinker, and gryocopter are also good examples since those three heroes are all the same race.
Don't have any criticism till more work is done on it, and I'm so glad someone on this site actually looked at the game before just slapping stuff on characters.
I am currently doing the middle-models and refresh ideas and design...
update coming soon...
The task is not easy - I want to keep even be part of the skills and provide connection with the elements of a basic set, without departing from the intended topic.
ps: because there is no alpha channel, many ideas are sent to the trash Т___Т
In the course of modeling items was remade design ...
My first sculpt (MudBox)
Some elements will be optimized during repology...If it'll needed.
Keep it up, and good luck :poly121:
Spudnik, yes. Most likely I will change it to something else... for example on the logo of the Shoulders.
I really like the cape sculpt. It looks really realistic. Could you tell if you used some alpha for wrinkles, or sculpted theme manually?
Anyway I am looking forward to see this finished. Good luck!!
I hope that colors, occlusion and masks (materials) will help preserve detail, and relief will not suffer much. Thx for feedback.
All shots will come later.
PS: By the way, I had to give up glasses and sight because they do not have enough polygons ... do not have enough physically :poly122:
In some places the color slated rifle is almost ready, and the rest - occlusion + normal. Immediately checks the materials and collisions by the animation in the game. Be sure to show you when it is ready the whole set.
I repeat, that I had to give up glasses and sight because of the polygons limit, I did what I could.
And a doubt about his eye: all the characters of this race in glasses and seems designed glasses. They do not have the eyes of facial animation (in the smol portrait). I think it isn't critical, knowing the world of game and these guys...
Add: Maybe I'll try to retopo head again later...
Anyway good luck. Really looking forward to seeing ingame shots
I'm still trying to come up with solution to the problem with the eyes...
Down Limit, ya I'm from Russia
получается реально весьма талантливо
Down Limit, thank you, but still write in English or duplicate ... not good.
Sweet well done
Almost final version.
There are objects crossing in some animations, I try to minimize them ...
PS: Steam screenshots have strong сompression ratio =(
One question - how did't you preview all items at once? Did you somehow replaced original ones inside game files?
Yes, just delete original items from pak01_dir.vpk using Dota2Slasher
And drop my files into the game root (save the original names)...if the file is not in the archive - the game looking for it outside in the corresponding folders.
Now I think the best way to make a beauty shot - posing in Maya or try to pull the shots from the game ... I would like to save the created materials. I've seen somewhere DotA shader for Maya ...
Additionaly some ingame shots: