I like the design, reminds me of the witcher. Don't have much critique to give you, the only thing i can think of is that the shoulder part looks a bit modern, I think it's because of the segmentation.
Love the design as it stands, and the texturing so far
Could do with more details - trim, chainmail underneath, runes perhaps, emblems of an army or country, idk..
Think maybe?
i haven't decided on the colors yet.
soon gonna move to the head and hairs.
Could do with more details - trim, chainmail underneath, runes perhaps, emblems of an army or country, idk..
the leather parts feel very stiff, i don't but at least the red one might be cool to be just a tad less rigid?
and everything feels kind of floating, you should probably kick in some more AO
Grubber - this was my first time using substance painter. but i used substance painter and mudbox to do the texturing.
MaccyF - thanks,
FULGORE - i'll see what i can do, there a lot of space left in uvs, i might add some stuff. thanks.
Neox - ah, clipping happens when i do the lowpoly, i'll fix it soon enough, i was just trying substance painter and forgot about it.
yea you are right about rigidness, really haven't noticed it i'll see how to break it a bit.
AO needs fixing, that's why it's turned off. thank you.
thanks guys, i'll do my best to fix these things.
idk what im doing.
im thinking of strengthening the normal map as it seems it's kinda weak.
lip color sucks atm.
he's gonna have hair, i think that's my weakest point right now, always avoided making harrs.
redoing the diffuse.
new one is on the left, right is old.
next is hair, oh god
im gonna have to work more on the hair