I came across this concept the other day and couldn't resist making a model. I thought I'd post here though since I once again am trying to think of better ways to approach fur. last time I mainly did hand painted textures and it looked pretty tacky. I'm considering using photos of fur, making alphas from the and applying it to the surface although that may end up overly noisy. As a side note if anyone knows who made this art I'd like to credit them but I have no idea who did it. Anyway I hope you enjoy what I have here so far



My C&C...
//Red Outline\\
His face doesn't feel menacing just from the base high poly mesh. (Could look a lot better once it's textured and possible rendered with fur? Do you plan to do that?)
His eyes should be facing for forwards, they look to be facing outwards like "prey" animals are. Predators like Humans have their eyes facing directly forward.
His mouth I think should be more pulled together as he feels a bit cartoony/comical with his mouth looking open, rather than shut tight and serious.
//Green Outline\\
Judging just from the original concept art, his breast strap is more shifted to the left in the Concept. Not overlapping his entire right breast.
//Orange Outline\\
Needs to be thickened.
//Yellow Outline\\
Minor cleanup of that finger/muscle showing through the leather glove.
His Shield also appears to be warped just slightly in the Concept Art. But your's is currently very 'flat'.
can't wait to see more!
Something I found on below link:
deff sub'd for more progress!
Looking forard to this final product.
Love the style, just great. Especially the fur
Ps: how do you approach these kind of textures (workflow wise)?
Xaragoth, yeah I thought it was a lion when I made the thread because of the mane. I guess it's some kind of liger?
Cibo, I understand what you're saying I was actually experimenting with painting light sources in to the texture although it didn't work so well on the mane since the shapes are repeated a lot.
Jean-Pascal, Lotet and Garai I'm thinking I'll put together a full workflow tutorial at some point but to briefly explain the texturing part I started with baked AO and just painted right over it. I put most of the lighting right into the texture and added outlines to make it look drawn. Finally in marmoset I used a bit of sharpen in most effects to make all the edges and lines more crisp. Again this was to help with the hand-drawn look.
OrganizedChaos, yeah marmoset just makes my life a lot easier.
Kaine123, thanks for the heads up. I had a quick look at the link but I think I'll have to take analyze the info a bit more to see if I can implement it somehow.
martinszeme, He will get some animation at some point.
Shurkuris, I am considering this pretty much done besides maybe the odd thing here and there but if you have some c & c it could help me for future. projects so feel free.
Loutrattitude, Tits, heboltz3, doomprodigy glad to hear you all dig the style!
Also someone showed me the concept artist's web page so I can now credit them:
I think you should try to imitate the "noisy" texture the fur generates with the colors. For example the black lines in the Concept Art aren't smooth and crisp as yours currently are.
So instead of drawing a single line/stroke, draw a bunch of black lines to show the stripes but give it a fur look?
I'm not sure if that would look better though.
The body doesn't bother me as much, but the head looks to silky smooth.
Other than that, would love to see some break-downs of the HighPoly, Lowpoly, Polycount and Textures.
Do you plan to Rig it and give it the same pose as the Concept Art?
Respect man.
My only crit would be to put more work/details into the boots. They indeed follow the concept, but in this concept the artist spent less time detailing the lower parts of the character (like some artists do) simply because you will spend more time looking at the upper body. In a finished 3D-model you would perhaps fill in those missing details to make the character "complete".
But as I said, it looks freaking great! Well done
Also I decided to upload to sketchfab since that's always fun: