Here my WIP for the M3 I'm working on!
There are still things to do :
-model the missing parts
-scale +/- some parts
-merge the receiver with handle etc
-some edges are waaaay too sharp!
-And Zbrush that baby for the welding along the body etc!
And of course bake an texture

(Sorry, I suck at rendering -__-)

Can't wait to texture :poly124:
Please use different model presentation with mental ray:
Thanks for the tip, I'm not good at rendering haha! I'll try that at the next step of the high poly, before making the weld on Zbrush.
No wireframe because of the decimation!
I need to add and tweak some things on the texture, more love on the gloss, redo some bakes...
It's time to move on! The wasteland 2 crowdsourcing killed my planning for the M3, so it took longer than expected.
My bake aren't flawless at all, I redid some of them, but meh
I did a little paintover for you, to show what I mean.
A carving into the long tube side of the gun, like lll/ll (well you know lines as numbers) a name or something could really break the simplicity and make it more interesting and give it history.
Shrike : I see what you mean with numbers, names etc. I tried not to make an OVER used weapon, as we often see in 3D.
I will use your comments and make an "anti boring'' pass on the model
I followed your advices and made some slight changes! (color variation on specular, a little more scratches and wear, some parts are in a different color than the main body...)
You can see the last render with Marmoset Toolbag 2 here :