Hello everyone,
I'm starting this thread so I can collect all my random projects in one place and finally get around to finishing them all up! I will be posting more images soon but here are a few shots from of the more recent thumb sculpts and lowpoly models that I've been nibbling on the weekend. I need to finish at least 1 of these every month if I can manage!
Cheers and let the polygons flow!
Bile Demon - This sucker was my first foray into using Dynamesh. I liked the result so much I felt I needed to take it further. I have to finish up some detailing on his tail still and then get to work on the face. That area needs some more refinement plus I need to separate out and make some actual teeth instead of the suggested shapes that it currently has. There is a little work left on the upper arm as well. But once I have those covered then I can Retopo and do a nice detail sculpture. At which point the usual Lowpoly / Baking and texturing will follow!

This sucker is basically an offshoot of another monster which could come from the same level of hell or something like that. There is a good amount of work left on him before I can move on to retopo and detail sculpting. For one he will have more asymmetrical. I want to make one of his arms a crazy tentacle tong with spiky barbs coming from yet another mouth of sorts.

This next model is a cool fish I designed and built during a lowpoly workshop I gave at a art school here in Malaysia. This model is actually complete. It will be a pure diffuse only asset once I am done with it. I might post the model if anyone wants to texture it as well.

This is some big brute type creature I've started up. Liking the mass he has already. Very early of course but interesting to take it further.

Here we have a Paul Bonner inspired monster / Guard character which I started on before the fun of Dynamesh. I plan to finish up a nice Sub_D base mesh before taking it further.

This one... I think I was mainly just playing around with brushes and re-topology approaches. Could be interesting to finish it off properly as a bust piece maybe. Crazy bug head / Hornet Nest type thing.

Wow this one has been on ice for a few years... I like the idea but he needs some serious updates on many fronts. We'll see where I take this guy. The idea was to have some sort of dolphin / aquatic hybrid alien. Maybe the fish is his pet :P

That's it for the moment. I might find some more things as I dig through my drives auditing the many projects I started on over the last few years. Now I just need to see if any of them are worth continuing.
- BoBo
I'm going to watch the heck out of this thread
Well I found a few moments to spare this evening. I nibbled away on the big brutish fellow and felt like going the Pascal Blanch
Well my updates have been less than stellar. Missed an entire weekend though I was working all of the time sigh... But not this one. So here is an update on the demon guys tail. I'm happy with where its shape is now and I can move on to finish the head. Then time for retopo!
I made a quick sketch for the head as well. This is the direction I will be aiming for.
Well spent some time over the last 2 evenings sneaking in some time to sculpt a little more on my friendly little demon here.
Most of the general shapes are locked down. I will take another pass on the arms and legs to help refine some smaller shapes and bring them to the same level as the rest of the body. I should have this done before the weekend so I can retopologize him and get down to sculpting all the final details!
Stay tuned.
I've started with the retopo pass now on the model. I know zbrush has a ton of auto tools for this process these days... still I like doing it by hand for many parts still.
So this image shows the critter in his current state as I start on making a more clean model for the final detail sculpting pass.
On another note, I am using the freeform tools inside 3dsmax in my retopology pass. EXTEND for the WIN! I love it..
"Skiffy the Junkyard monster spins a web of polygons... its like knitting but 3d"
Extend is great, I have a number of the old polyboost (or graphite, if you prefer) features hotkeyed as follows:
ctrl+1 "step build"
ctrl+2 "P connect"
ctrl+3 "swiftloop"
ctrl+4 "extend"
ctrl+5 "drag"
ctrl+6 "optimize"
Having those features only a hotkey away and getting them into muscle memory makes for superfast boxmodeling.
Still working on the retopo pass for this fella... taking a little longer than expected. I tried qRemesher in zbrush with all the guide lines but it never gave me the results I wanted. Soooo I've just been zoning out and creeping across the model resurfacing it.
Fun practice regardless. Some crazy areas that required some fun loop flow solutions. Quads all the way! I am sure there are folks on the forum that appreciate such nice mesh flow. Knitting with polygons... good stuff.
Well I have the crazy tail next. The feet wont be much of an issue. I could have just divided the dynamesh a bunch more and sculpt on that.. but it felt dirty. And I took the opportunity to work on my loop flow. Good workout for the mind.
With any luck I finish this before the weekend so I can spend some quality time in Zbrush again purely working on details.
I love this type of stuff! Good on yah, keep going!
Here is how the madness that is the tail turned out for those curious about the mesh flow.
Well I've been missing for 2 months... work and helping on side projects...
So to bring this thread back to life I'll be posting some older works that will also be revisited.
But first here is an image from one of the side projects that had me distracted. Darkout is a game my brother is making and until now only had a female character. So I spent some time and created a new male model for the games starting gear.
It uses the same skeleton so I had to make it work with those proportions. It came out pretty nicely in the end I think. Its also pure diffuse texture work, something I rarely do and need more practice at!
I can post some wires and texture flats later if anyone is interested.
Here is a link to DARKOUT on steam greenlight.
And here is a series of images showing the overall progression during the competition.
I have plans to give him a proper full body at one point...
I'll see if I can dig up the images for the Izolde character later this week. Don't worry I have not forgotten about the bile demon!
"Skiffy goes back to dig though some more piles of junk"
So I decided to look into making maps for the original quake... yes that one! But using some slightly updated game engines with less map limits allowing for a ton more detail and modern compile tools for better lighting and colored lights too!
And while I am at it I am revamping the monsters. The Shambler needs some love bad if its going to match my new maps! I'll be doing the same for all the monsters eventually. Fun stuff that can be done after hours.
Cheers! Lets see if 2015 will see more action in this thread of mine :P
"Skiffy wanders back into the darkness"
Cheers! Now to go steal some more time for art!
Now back to the texture I go!
Progress on the texture!
Got his mouth working nicely with animation inside Quake as well. Fun times.
So I've gone ahead and created some additional giblets for the Shambler last weekend. This works with the Arcane Dimensions mod for Quake1 which adds custom gibs for each creature in the game. They where fun to create... messy business but somebody has to do it.
I've also gone ahead and made my own version of the Doom Space Marine helmet. Its inspired mainly by the Quake3's doom Marine.
This will be used in secret areas for some new maps coming up in the soon to be released 1.5 update of Arcane Dimensions.
Oh and here is a raw unpaletted source version of the helmet. The one above is 128 x 128 using the quake 1 palette.
Hope you like!
"Skiffy the junkyard monsters wanders off into the raging planes of hell to find some breakfast"