Got a huge boner for the designs in Wolfenstein: The New Order, so decided to work on my favorite gun from the game.
Big shout-out to the MachineGames fellas for the amazing art in the game.

I'll tighten up some of the detail(floaters and so on), and proceed to work on the low poly.
I plan to go with a fairly standard Max->Zbrush->Quixel pipeline.
Let me know what you think!
Update: And here is the finished product~

Oh man, first post from Tor Frick himself!
Huge fan of your work. You are a huge inspiration for me when it comes to hardsurface stuff.
Keep cranking all that amazing Modo goodness, and don't forget to stream again. (loved that sick techno.)
Low poly and base normals are mostly done!
Moving on to some normal map work, and bakes.
Oh, and your model is looking sweet as well. Is there a reason you're breaking up the barrels at the end of the gun? it looks like you've got the supporting geo there to connect it all but then you have them separate.
Thanks man. That's the gun
Whoever designed the feel of the gun did an amazing job, because it felt absolutely perfect.
I don't really see a benefit in having the two barrels merged together.
They are being held together by that small ironsight at end of the gun, and having them separate made the baking slightly easier, so why not.
Thanks a lot mate!
Textures coming real soon. Meanwhile, some AO+NM shots:
Thanks alot dude! Means alot
Most of the texturing was done in Quixel.
Ofcourse, here you mate~
color correction, lighting, general post processing, and reflection probe or something like that are probably good guesses.
My thoughts exactly.
Mainly the HDR.
Thanks mate!
Also, forgot to post the 2nd texture set, for anyone that's intrested: