I'm working on a Physicall based shader for a while now on Unity and now I think it is time to show some of my progress on it.
At the beginning I was developping a shader for a game I'm currently making on unity but more I was going deeper into it more I was thinking of making a version for folio ( my folio

This shader use :
HDR Cube map and Sky encoded in RGBM using a custom app to encode them from HDR to TGA.
Ambient Cube using HDR Cube map as source of illumination.
A normalized Blinn-Phong as specular term.
Mipmap for gloss reflection.
You can try a very first version of it here :
Use the mouse to rotate the camera around and the mouse wheel for zooming in and out.
Post Process are from Unity.
Some images :

Probes are from :
Some usefull reads :
RGBM Encoding :
Jason Mitchell, Gary McTaggart and Chris Green,"Shading in Valves Source Engine," SIGGRAPH Course on Advanced Real-Time Rendering in 3D Graphics and Games, 2006.
Gary McTaggart, "HDR in Valves Source Engine," SIGGRAPH Course on High-Dynamic-Range Imaging: Theory and Applications, 2006.
Hoffman, Crafting Physically Motivated Shading Models for Game Development and Background: Physically-Based Shading
Lazarov, Physically Based Lighting in Call of Duty: Black Ops
can't wait to try it out!
I did a little update on how the camera is handle :
P.S for zooming it is not Mouse Right but Mouse Left + Alt Left.
Is this something you are going to share somewhere when it's done?
But at this stage it's only for my own use.
Ok so it's bean a long time since my last update !
So now my shader is ok and ready to use and now I'm focusing on Skin.
It is based on a shader I did on UDK ( http://www.polycount.com/forum/showthread.php?t=98253 ).
The SSS part, based on Eric Penner's work use a lookup texture, see http://www.ericpenner.net/portfolio
Ambient use also an experimental SSS effect.
Pictures :
Infinite, 3D Head Scan by Lee Perry-Smith : http://www.ir-ltd.net/infinite-3d-head-scan-released
I'm so glad a lot of this stuff is coming up lately, as i wanted to get myself into a bit of coding for shaders myself to better understand what i'm doing while texturing...
and that SSS rocks!
any possibility of sharing this shader?
for anybody looking for a physically based shader framework: today Lux has been officially released on the asset store as open source:
After quit some time I've finally put together a first release of my stuff :
It consist of three main component the Dielectric, the Metallic and the Metallic and Dielectric shader.
Dielectric shader is the non condictor material ( stone, brick, plastic etc ).
Metallic shader is the conductor material ( any kind of metal ).
Metallic and Dielectric shader have both properties.
Current Features :
Infinite, Sphere and Box projection in action :
Next Features :
Packages :
Antonov Suit v0.042 : https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/1812933/AntonovSuit/Antonov Suit_v0.042_30.07.2014.unitypackage
Antonov Suit Samples : https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/1812933/AntonovSuit/Antonov Suit Samples.unitypackage
This is some samples textures and materials in a scene to give you an idea on how the shader is working.
Infinite Head Scan : https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/1812933/AntonovSuit/InfiniteScan.unitypackage
Infinite head scan from infinite realities allowing you to see how skin shader is working.
Sample for the specular workflow : https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/1812933/AntonovSuit/MetalCeilling_04_SpecularWorkflow_Sample.zip
Change Log : https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/1812933/AntonovSuit/ChangeLog.txt
Thanks, if you have any questions feel free to send me an MP or mail at antonovsuit@gmail.com.