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[DOTA 2] Lina - TBA

polycounter lvl 6
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AndrewHelenek polycounter lvl 6
Ahoburg and I present a set we are both working on for the polycount competition. We have decided to call it "Saraab of Misrule"



The core idea behind this set is that she used to reside in the desert for many years, and as such had a set of armor suited for the harsh arid desert climate. The armor would show age being torn and ragged after escaping that harsh environment.


I'm very unsure about what to do with the head slot item, if we were to do something that would remove her hair and put her in a hood it could break the silhouette of the character to severely. I feel the best road to take would be option 2 where the cowl covers half her face but still leaves room to have the hair present.

UPDATE (10/22/12)
Voice your opinions, I'm very interested to hear what you guys think about this set.


  • Graham
    I love the idea of a cowl covering part of her face. An attire more suitable to a desert climate is a good path to follow.

    I find the shoulders break her silhouette much more than a hood would. So I would stay away from them, unless they were smaller.
  • Spudnik
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    Spudnik polycounter lvl 13
    Gogo Helenek!

    I'm really digging the concept, especially number 3. I'd suggest taking the Arab theme one step further and adding some more of the female aspects of it, namely some of that half transparent or tattered cloth that is worn as a veil/cowl oftentimes (since Lina has transparency enabled that shouldn't be a problem to accomplish). I'm mainly thinking of this iconic picture:
    I think if you mix some lighter cloth on the top of the head with some of Lina's hair showing through like in the pic, you'll get a much more dynamic result.

    Same goes for the shoulders/neck area, I think if you go with something a little less round and a little more wild (fits her character better :D ) you'll get a more dynamic looking result again, something like this (with different colors obviously)

    Hope that helps. Best of luck!
  • Ahoburg
    Highpoly sketch of right arm bandages is complete. There's two versions, with and without elbow protection. Don't mention the thingamajing between the fingers, it's just dynamesh stuff xD

    Advices are welcome :)
  • AndrewHelenek
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    AndrewHelenek polycounter lvl 6

    The newer shoulder designs for A and B fit the curvature of her silhouette so I don't think those pose a problem. And according to spudnik she has a transparency layer in her masks, so if we did go with option B we would look into that. My personal favorite is option B, I think the veil covering the top half of her face could look fantastic in the portrait view.


    The head slot item would have to function alone, we're make sure to design this set with that thought in mind, so a player would be able to equip solely the shoulders or head slot item and both should function perfectly.


    Trying some new hoods out after hearing some suggestions. Not sure which we will push, so cast your vote. :)

  • DD-best-D
    The concepts are looking great.

    If you're worried about the headpiece breaking the silhouette too much, and want to do the cowl design.
    Here are two other characters in the game that have a cowl/masked face with cloth around their neck for an idea of how Valve did it.
    It's not the characters the cloth is on that's important but bounty hunter already has some other cosmetic items that are like capes. If you need to I can probably pull some images/video of it.
  • AndrewHelenek
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    AndrewHelenek polycounter lvl 6
    DD-best-D wrote: »
    The concepts are looking great.

    If you're worried about the headpiece breaking the silhouette too much, and want to do the cowl design.
    Here are two other characters in the game that have a cowl/masked face with cloth around their neck for an idea of how Valve did it.
    It's not the characters the cloth is on that's important but bounty hunter already has some other cosmetic items that are like capes. If you need to I can probably pull some images/video of it.

    Well, there are two other ideas I'm throwing around, Ill get around to posting concepts of them in a bit, where she wears the cowl but wears it down exposing her hair, so the silhouette wont change that much. If we were to go that route, a new hair piece would be designed to replace her default one to give her a full 4-piece set.

    The other alternative is to say 'screw it' and make the hood regardless of breaking the silhouette, its just her head piece and there are plenty of other items in the game for other characters that break the base silhouette relying more on color. If that were the case, it would probably change the color of the hood to match something closer to her hair, a fiery orange. I can also add some scraps of cloth attaches to her rear head joints so they would somewhat flap while she moves. This could also correct the silhouette issue as well.

    I'll have more to post tonight/tomorrow depending on how I feel. I did have four wisdom teeth pulled today and my face is still slightly numb. Hahaha!
  • Tvidotto
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    Tvidotto polycounter lvl 9
    Awesome Helenek
    nice to see another animator modeling here =]

    great work, i will be following
  • Ahoburg
    So, i've been thinking about bandages on a left hand and i came up with two versions: with and without a gemstone (quick version, couple of adjustments, just to see how it looks).
  • Spudnik
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    Spudnik polycounter lvl 13
    With. Especially if it gets some nice self illumination.
  • Ahoburg
    Spudnik wrote: »
    With. Especially if it gets some nice self illumination.
    Time for me to redo it for a stone in mind, thanks. And it's a fire opal, so it'll have some illumination.
  • Ahoburg
    Here's how arms are looking now :)
    3d preview http://p3d.in/LSV0C
  • Beezow
  • DD-best-D
    The gemstones seem like a nice touch.

    The arm wraps look pretty good, here are some shots of lina's hand fire effects in game.
    Just thought this might help if you decide to use the gemstones, or not.
    The top lina is her normal idle state.
    The bottom linas are with her passive buff active.
  • AndrewHelenek
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    AndrewHelenek polycounter lvl 6

    Some images of the arms rigged up, its still not finished as you can see by some minor clipping. I need to clean up the weights a little bit, but its getting there.

    I like the gemstones, but I feel they are too small and unnoticeable, especially from the in game view. Thoughts?
  • DD-best-D
    Yeah, I was trying to subtle point out how small the model/angle the gems while a nice detail would be too small for the player to actually notice.

    I think the wrap color looks a bit dark in those shots. but that might help while the character is in action with flames in her hands for better contrast.
  • Ahoburg
    I noticed that colors a bit too dark/desaturated ingame. I'll experiment a bit more with them, if needed. I like gem and it's a tiny detail that may not be noticeable at all, but it's only couple of polys so having it won't hurt. I'll try to apply illumination to it, maybe it will stand out more. Thanks for response :)
  • Ahoburg
    We've been trying some hood concepts, and well, here's what i come up with. Now to make a lowpoly out of it :D
  • Spudnik
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    Spudnik polycounter lvl 13
    Nice! Looks really natural and dynamic. The only shape that strikes me a bit wrong is how in the middle pic in the bottom row, the two major cloth folds loop in a curve at the top (kinda hard to explain in text, I know), maybe instead try separating them into two distinct cloth folds that end at the top of the back of the head. Otherwise great work, keep on truckin'!
  • tjallen8
    Hey, I just came across this thread, I like your concepts! Great job on the arm pieces.

    I'm looking forward to seeing the cape when you make it. I hope you make it tattered like in the concept which looks great. In my opinion, the cape could be a bit shorter than the default one. I've always found her cape to be too long, since she's bold and aggressive. Being a Lina player, that always bothered me.

    If I could make one criticism, I like the hood idea but I'm not sure it works with Lina. She has an explosive personality, and a hood doesn't really suit that.

    Changing the silhouette is also a really big deal in Dota, since it's played on a professional e-sport level, and all the cosmetic items are available in tournament play. Unfortunately, I think Lina is one of those heroes that would be changed a lot by adding a hood.

    Well, there are two other ideas I'm throwing around, Ill get around to posting concepts of them in a bit, where she wears the cowl but wears it down exposing her hair, so the silhouette wont change that much. If we were to go that route, a new hair piece would be designed to replace her default one to give her a full 4-piece set.

    I think this idea is really good. You could have a cowl/hood draped down around her neck, and then a new hairstyle. That way you still get the bold attitude as well as your "Saraab" theme, without changing her silhouette.

    Another thing I kind of dislike is Lina's default hair. So, if you did this option, I would personally love to see a new hairstyle. I've always preferred her hair in this picture:


    I think a tied-up hairstyle looks great and also kind of fits with your exotic-looking theme.

    Anyway, those are just my thoughts, hope you find something of use. Looking great, good luck!
  • Ahoburg
    I hear you. I thought about making hood draped down and everything, but i really like how it looks right now xD Lowpoly is done and texturing is on it's way. Maybe if the hood will not look good with the rest of a set, i'll consider changing it. It's kinda breakштп a silhouette a bit, but there's plenty of other character-defining stuff in this set and the model, that you'll not mistake her for anything: being red, spewing fire and all :)
  • tjallen8
    Cool, looking forward to seeing it, I might be surprised :)
  • Ahoburg
    Was busy, so textures are done only now. Here's how hood is looking now. I'm not sure about necklace, maybe it's better to remove it...mhexL.jpg
  • shanks37
    looking great so far. the only thing that bothers me is her hair on the right side. pretty sure that you're going for a tucked behind the ear look but right now it just looks like it cuts off at her eyebrow.
  • Ahoburg
    shanks37 wrote: »
    looking great so far. the only thing that bothers me is her hair on the right side. pretty sure that you're going for a tucked behind the ear look but right now it just looks like it cuts off at her eyebrow.
    nope, i'm going exactly for cute cut-off look :)
    Anyway, almost done with belt texturing/lowpoly/etc :) Pics of progress http://imgur.com/a/adQ3f Because of shading it's a bit dark though
  • Tvidotto
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    Tvidotto polycounter lvl 9
    great work on the hood! =]
  • Ahoburg
    Basically done with texturing, of belt. All colors sampled from original belt/dress.
  • D4V1DC
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    D4V1DC polycounter lvl 18
    Nice work, though I don't feel the colors are in unison with each other, unless that's what your going for.
  • Ahoburg
    I think it's done. Diffuse textures only on this pic though :) Learned a mighty lot while doing it. Now if everything is alright, next will be rigging/masking and other stuff :D
  • AndrewHelenek
  • AndrewHelenek
  • Spudnik
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    Spudnik polycounter lvl 13
    Fantastic presentation shot! Bravo!
  • AndrewHelenek
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    AndrewHelenek polycounter lvl 6
    Spudnik wrote: »
    Fantastic presentation shot! Bravo!

    I have an even better one coming in a bit ;)

    these are mainly just tests and such
  • AndrewHelenek
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    AndrewHelenek polycounter lvl 6

    I dont think the hood breaks the silhouette as much as anticipated. Its still pretty clear by the color that that character is still lina.
  • AndrewHelenek
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    AndrewHelenek polycounter lvl 6
    The set is complete and should be posted soon. Cheers! :)
  • Ahoburg
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