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Rocket Diner_ Marcel Petras_WIP

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Gendolf polycounter lvl 11
Crits/advice wanted !
Hey guys, im working on a project for Uni, where we have to find movie/game/concept environment scene to model and than in my case put it in to Engine.
It is also my first in engine work, which contains everything made by me.
So i decided to model this nice concept art, that I knew from past made by Titus Lunter.

Here are some stuff i have done so far, working on lighting in the scene atm. Need to revisit my textures and increase resolution and fix some of the stretching.
Also I am experiencing this mesh artifacts which are appearing only in UDK. I m not really shure what the main reason for this might be, but my guesses so far are either: ticked something wrong, while i was exporting mesh from Maya or ,I need to do that Light Uving, which i haven t done.

here is clearly visible the problem

So here are some examples of objects, I have done for the Scene in marmoset with normal/diffuse/spec/Emissive textures :

Metal Plate

Container Cover


Building (need to fix the stretching and up the res and polycount)


Building Platform (Up the res and even polycount maybe)

Wooden Fence (Stretching)
Rocket Diner Sign


These ones are more crappy but in the end, due to lighting and position
they are not really that visible anyway.



Here is screen cap and video of what i have done so far in the UDK:


::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: https://vimeo.com/78434916


  • _Michal_
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    _Michal_ polycounter lvl 3
    Man that is sick! can't wait till you finish it:)
  • Gendolf
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    Gendolf polycounter lvl 11
  • Gendolf
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    Gendolf polycounter lvl 11
    Some more objects for the scene gonna post video of the scene soon. Hopefully with Lightmaps and textured ground. Crits/Advice needed :)

    Neon Light above the Doors


    Rock sculpted in a modular way, so i can build little rock mountains ^^.


    In UDK


    This is ground Shader im working on. Still not sure if those textures are the right option for this environment..

  • KKolar
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    KKolar polycounter lvl 3
    Looking really nice so far, nice work. Only thing I would have to say would be to make the rocket diner sign a little more readable. Right now the glow on it really blows it out and makes it hard to read.
  • DougClayton4231
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    DougClayton4231 polycounter lvl 3
    Looking good! :) I'd say to remove some of the smoke and use UDK's fog to emulate the fog in the concept.
  • Gendolf
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    Gendolf polycounter lvl 11
    KKolar > Cheers! i have found out, that the issue was too high specularity, i also lowered the emissive strength, so it is more readable, therefore thanks for pointing that out !

    DoughClayton4231 > First of all thanks for liking my work :). Yeah gonna look more in to UDK Cascade options as this smoke is really just basic thing, to show the idea of what I would love to achieve, will definitely remove some of it. I Actually have fog there but, I did not find it very effective, due to its lack of movement, maybe it's just ignorant me, who don t know how to set it up properly:/. I need to make better smoke for the, chimney as that one does not look right. This is actually one of my dreams to achieve something like this youtube.com/watch?v=boVHMYWVVrA . I am still far away with my skills from such an awesomness, but I will do my best, to do achieve something close to it, with more motion and also comp in world editor. which i haven t actually touched so far. Maybe I Should O.o.

    Anyway here are some small changes, I did to the scene. Unfortunately time does not allow me to work on it as often as I want, but i will try to bring new images from progress everytime I can!

    I should probably bring down emissive from that rocket as well.

  • Gendolf
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    Gendolf polycounter lvl 11
    Gief CRITS

    Ok here is some more progress added Lightmaps, foliage rocks, 2 neon lights are flickering. Gonna add texture to those stairs soon, hopefully to that container too.

    - One more foliage type and few more assets are also in mind.

    - Still have to play with World info to achieve more interesting atmosphere.

    - Improve some particle systems and add new ones

    - And maybe some other stuff
  • Gendolf
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    Gendolf polycounter lvl 11
  • Gendolf
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    Gendolf polycounter lvl 11
    Aight' after a while due to other projects little bit of progress.

    Container, done pretty much lazy job on the uvs and baking but its not even properly visible in the shadows anyway. ( spec is too bright on certain edges i guess)

    Here is the scene with Puddle decals reflecting the environment, also trying to add motion to the texture. Its only one decal stretched and randomly placed on the ground. Did not have time to make more variations unfortunately. :(

  • Gendolf
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    Gendolf polycounter lvl 11
    Here are my final images with horrible video (which i need to redo due to bad compression) for the Deadline i had few days ago, gonna upgrade it (mostly modes/textures) hopefully during summer.



    Alternate Lighting

  • DougClayton4231
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    DougClayton4231 polycounter lvl 3
    The night scene looks really good, nice job matching the concept!
  • Gendolf
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    Gendolf polycounter lvl 11
    Thanks Doug, I think, I actually spend too much time on lighting, but in the end it is kinda successful result imo, so i am really glad about that ^^.
  • littleclaude
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    littleclaude quad damage
    Overall I love this scene, it’s so nice to see so much colour.

    However..... there are some things you should think about changing. The wood fence on the left stands out as the biggest issue and then concrete next to the stairs looks like plasticine. For the wood fence I would scrap your model and try again with a new object that has a higher level of detail that matches the electric cables and other details in your scene, it just looks too cartoony. The bin is a nice additional asset but is too large for the scene, maybe scale it down just a touch.

    The grounds undulations and puddles feel too deep and large and it looks like it has been under a mortar attack. The glow inside the caf
  • Gendolf
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    Gendolf polycounter lvl 11
    Thanks Neil, thats one hell of a feedback, I will hopefully look in to that, once ill get over with all that other unfinished business :). Regarding the container, I matched it with the size on concept art, but even the concept artist apparently went too far..
  • littleclaude
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    littleclaude quad damage
    Yeah, sorry I went off on one, I just like the image and can see it could be great with a little adjustment. :)

    Good luck

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