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Character Portfolio piece

polycounter lvl 12
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Spiffy polycounter lvl 12
Starting a new character that I'm forcing myself to finish
Now that I've got a portfolio going I need to update my work

This is what I've got so far


Can I get some feedback/critiques?.


  • RahiSan
    Looks really good man!I think you could improve the inner structure of the ear and maybe make it a little bigger.
  • slosh
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    slosh hero character
    Not a bad start but i would get some ref and study the skull a bit more. The jaw and chin look too far back, the eye structure looks a bit off, his cranium feels too small towards the back of the head, and the ears look too small. I would get good reference on each feature and study how the muscles build the nose, lips, eye socket, etc. This basically needs a pass on all areas to be more believable.
  • Spiffy
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    Spiffy polycounter lvl 12

    Smoothed a lot out, pulled the base of the nose up slightly, pulled the jaw forward, head back and the cheek bones up, Still tweaking.

    ears need a do over
  • AgelosAp
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    AgelosAp polycounter
    Hey man started doing this before slosh's answer but anyway :P
    5ZlGQacCheck this Gif out, dunno how to embed it here.
    Your sculpt has nice features and creates an interesting character,
    other than that I agree with slosh as you can see from my gif,
    except if you are going for a stylized/exaggerated look then i would only correct the skull a bit.
    Also the eyelids have a very thin and dry feel to them.

    edit:I definitely prefer the first image for facial features and the level of interest it generates
  • Spiffy
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    Spiffy polycounter lvl 12
    Thanks for the advice so far guys, Personally I prefer this version.

    Bigger update this time.
    Improvement GIF (Pulled in the head, sized it down slightly)
    Started Polypainting
    Marmoset 2 Skin shader

    Still got some sculpting to do, fixing up of the bakes and lower poly and texturing, at the moment it's just the bakes, no editing yet.
  • Spiffy
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    Spiffy polycounter lvl 12

    Trying to get better with hair.

    I'm going to rebake the textures so they're a little more curly and rugged, his beard is to smooth.

    At the moment there are around 500 hair planes, not sure if that's to many. but I can't get it to look good without that many

    any tips?
  • slosh
    Offline / Send Message
    slosh hero character
    500? that sounds pretty damn excessive. right now it looks pretty bad. are the planes just straight? are they all mapped to the same texture? beard hair is almost never that straight so thats ur first problem.
  • Spiffy
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    Spiffy polycounter lvl 12
    It's only one texture set and 2 planes variations, I'm baking some more variations now.

    Are my alphas too thin?

    I'm not sure how I'm meant to be going when it comes to applying the planes either

    Should I be automatically doing it with a hair modifier and making adjustments later?
    Or should majority of it be manual?
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