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[3dsmax and Zbrush] AMD Zen performance vs Intel CPU's.

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OccultMonk interpolator
I keep hearing that most software is still mainly optimized for Intel. I am contemplating building a new computer with an AMD processor: 1950X @ overclock 3.9/4Ghz VS a much more expensive Intel 16 Core CPU. I believe the intel i9-7960XE is about 20% faster when overclocked to 4.4ghz vs the overclocked AMD.

But are there some benchmarks results that compare 16 core intel vs 16 core AMD for Zbrush and 3ds max? I keep reading there are some bugs and performance problems for AMD since most software is still optimized for Intel. It's not just about rendering but also about modeling and viewport performance. 

Does anyone have a Threadripper 16 core 32 threads CPU and do some tests in 3ds max and Zbrush? I know Zbrush has a build in the benchmark test. 


  • monster
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    monster polycounter
    I’ve got a 1950X, I’ve been using for about a month. No issues whatsoever with 3ds Max. But don’t render and I don’t use zBrush. I just code and animate. Everything is super smooth. But honestly I think it’s more about using a M.2 3000 mb/s hard drive as my primary, and an SSD as my data drive.

    If your worried stick with Intel and dish out for a fast hard drive.
  • OccultMonk
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    OccultMonk interpolator
    Thanks, I work with up to 20/30+ million polygons in the viewport in 3dsmax. I want to know if AMD processors can handle that as well as Intel CPU's. I also saw some worrying results in Zbrush performance tests.

    However, I also do not really like the current Intel offerings. For a 16 core CPU that uses cheap TIM and has a very high price tag for the 16 core. I would rather buy the AMD 1950X (but only if the viewport performance with high polygon counts is good and Zbrush works well). 
  • OccultMonk
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    OccultMonk interpolator
    Does anyone have some information about 1950X thread ripper 16 core CPU with Zbrush performance benchmark and also 3ds max performance with high polygon counts like 20/30 million?
  • OccultMonk
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    OccultMonk interpolator
    Sorry, Just one bump :-) Is there anyone with a Ryzen AMD cpu that can post a Zbrush Benchmark? I know there is a page on Zbrushcentral with results. But the only 1800X (8 core) result was that posted there indicated quite substantially worse performance versus Intel CPU's. 

    And I would also be really interested in the viewport FPS for 20+ million polygons in 3dsmax.

    With the problems facing all Intel CPU's (Possible performance hit because of security issues), I would rather buy AMD now (price/performance). 
  • far
  • ANamedUser
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    ANamedUser triangle
    Not sure if this helps but I have slightly oc'd Ryzen 1700 8c @3.7ghz.
    Zbrush multithread test gets the following:

    Single Thread Timer = 2.597
    Multi Thread Timer = 0.465988

    Multithreading performance = 557%

  • far
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    far null
    With the i9 7940x (delid) i got this :

    Single Thread Timer = 2.052
    Multi Thread Timer = 0.4326019

    Multithreading performance = 629%

    I still probably change to AMD 1950x (new system that i can change was delid buy the shop), as i'm also not specilay fan of the marketing aspect from Intel. And i dont think that will change a lot the perf with the 1950x anyway.
  • OccultMonk
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    OccultMonk interpolator
    far said:

    I still probably change to AMD 1950x (new system that i can change was delid buy the shop), as i'm also not specilay fan of the marketing aspect from Intel. And i dont think that will change a lot the perf with the 1950x anyway.
    Why change from 7940x to 1950x? There will be almost no performance gain for multithreaded. And slower single core performance. Also, the Zen+ release of Threadripper is in Q2 2018. 
  • far
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    far null
    That wy i sai "probably" , actulaly i need anyway to change my mobo cause 2 slot of RAM are not working.
    But yes the overall system is working nice allready, not so hot with air cooling cause delid + good perf so yes i'll keep this Intel chip finaly, you right !
    Even, like i say befor, i'm not realy fan of Intel marketing position, but for my interest the system run preaty well wit this intel chip ;)
  • pasha_sevez
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    pasha_sevez polycounter lvl 13
    Interesting thread, guys! Just for those who's curious - tested my Core i7 7700k (stock clocks, 4 cores, 8 threads) / z270 / 32 Gb RAM in ZBrush. Here's what I've got:

    Single Thread Timer = 1.923
    Multi Thread Timer = 0.626

    Multithreading performance = 307%

    Compared to i9 7940x - 7700k looks ~30% slower in multi-threaded tasks and almost the same in single-threaded. It feels like the software is not that optimized for multiple cores as we could expect buying powerful CPU.

    7700k costs $335 at Newegg atm, while 7940x - $1400, and 1950x - $940. So investing in multicores for mostly ZBrush work doesn't look advantageous )) I strongly hope that Zbrush 5 will have significantly better utilization of all cores.

    Hope this info will be helpful for someone )
  • far
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    far null
    Yes agree, that not the best result, not like for rendering in keyshot or C4D ;)
    I notice that my CPU was using all the core but only @ 25% max.. dont know if is just how Zbrush manage is multithreading..
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