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Portfolio Critique

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Zarok3D vertex
Hello everyone, hope the holiday seasons have been well for everyone! In this post, there will be two attachments; My current 3D demo reel and my website. I would greatly appreciate any feedback on what you like and don't like. (Hit it hard and don't hold back!) My goal is to break into the video game industry and I know there are thousands of artist that are more deserving, so please be as straightforward as you want. I know I still have a long way to go, but I am excited about the possibilities that I can improve upon. :) Thank you for your honesty and time.

Demo Reel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bFKbMb9qrUY

Website: https://adriancarter.carbonmade.com/


  • CrackRockSteady
    First off, feel free to post some images in your thread here, you'll probably get more replies.  Most people have no interest in watching 3 minutes of demo reel and a lot will also bounce out of this thread the instant they don't see any images.

    That being said, some quick first impressions:

    Your work is all over the place and you have nothing on your site that states what discipline you come from (or are trying to break into as the case may be).  The first things I see when I click your portfolio link are a couple simple environments, then a 2d painting, then some storyboard line work.  Diving further into the Portfolio section there are some props, then what appears to be some anatomy studies, then a bunch of stylized character heads.

    You need to focus your site so anyone looking at your portfolio knows exactly what you do and what your goal is.  Do you want to be a character artist?  Prop artist?  Environment artist?  Right now I have no idea.

    The 4 character heads in your Portfolio section seem to be your strongest work.  I'd put those front and center.  The texture breakdowns you have for those are good but I'd also include wireframe renders (this goes for your other work as well).

    Unless you're looking to be a 2d concept artist I would remove the 2d work and storyboards you have as they aren't that strong and only detract from your other work.
  • Zarok3D
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    Zarok3D vertex
    Okay, I will do better to make it easier for those here to view my work. I understand my lack of direction and will work hard to make my intentions more clear. Thank you for your time and great critique! Happy New Years!
  • Felixenfeu
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    Felixenfeu polycounter lvl 10
    First thing I have to say is : Get rid of the demoreel. Seriously nobody will hire you nowaday with a video demoreel unless you are a fx artist or an animator.

    >Character artist, prop artist, environment artist and digital sculptor

    That's way too many things. Either be : Generalist/Environment artist or character artist.  Choose one., now, and stick to it. At the moment your character work can't get you any job, but your environment work could. 

    Whichever you choose you will have to grind your way through a full porfolio. If you choose environment, keep the two pieces you have at the moment and make more. 

    If you choose character, learn anatomy and make a full character. Then another one, then shitload more.

    >The 4 character heads in your Portfolio section seem to be your strongest work

    I don't know. The demon and the bird thing could be kept I guess but the other 2 aren't good enough imo. Even with these it's not enough to get a character artist job.

    Another thing too, the "square enix logo", unless they paid you for this,  or unless you specify "fanart", I wouldn't put a logo, because it can be a bit confusing..

    I would remove the 2D and storyboard section. 

    I think @CrackRockSteady made a good point with the fact that your website is all over the place.  Not just the content but the website itself too.

    Look, here are exemples of websites from different discipline :  

    Character : 


    Environment :  


    There are all straight to the point, big pictures, focused on one discipline. 
  • Zarok3D
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    Zarok3D vertex
    Hey Felixenfeu, thanks so much for your critique. Yeah, it would seem that I need to drop the demo reel and I completely see everyone's point. I wish I had known that before I graduated, my school was very adamant about having one as well as the very generalistic approach. Could you give me some pointers on my anatomy flaws? I would greatly appreciate the insight if you have the time - or was that statement meant to just mean get a full human character done? Sorry about the company logos seeming to be pushing the idea that I had worked for them. I thought it was pretty clear in my intentions but you are not the first to bring that up so I will go in and correct the issue. I'm very thankful for your time and patience looking through everything. Happy New Years! 
  • Felixenfeu
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    Felixenfeu polycounter lvl 10
    I wish I had known that before I graduated, my school was very adamant about having one as well as the very generalistic approach.
    They all fucking do this.
    Feel free to read this :) 

    was that statement meant to just mean get a full human character done? 
    Yeah pretty much. You need more full body character
  • Zarok3D
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    Zarok3D vertex
    Awesome, thanks so much Felixenfeu. Your critique and time spent have been extremely valuable and much appreciated! Thank you for the link to the thread and the great new direction to get me heading in the right direction!
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