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Elder Goddess(WIP)

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o0_themilkybarkid_0o polycounter lvl 2
Posting some WIPs of a sculpt I'm working on. I need to bring the hands in closer to rest on the chest and overcome my irrational fear of creating hair, but I'll get there :) 


  • o0_themilkybarkid_0o
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    o0_themilkybarkid_0o polycounter lvl 2
    It's been a while, but this is something I work on periodically between working full-time in a hotel, so here is the latest of the high poly sculpt. 
    Pretty soon I can start retopologising and then exporting it out to paint in Substance and doing the hair in 3DSMax

    I've redone the crown (again, 6th time's a charm, right?) and used radial symmetry to try and get an even pattern on it. This is just a test one so far but I'm happy enough with the shape. It's hammering down the design that's proving difficult. I'm trying to get it looking like old pewter. 

  • Brian "Panda" Choi
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    Brian "Panda" Choi high dynamic range
    Good progress.  Feels like a good gestural pose.

    The dress could use some more work.  The draped folds are feeling lumpy.  What reference are you using for the dress?
  • JohannesAg
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    JohannesAg greentooth
    looks cool, though the ears seem like they haven't had much love yet, but I guess the hair might cover them
  • jose.fuentes
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    jose.fuentes interpolator
    is it me, or do the yes look like they are a bit to far apart?
  • o0_themilkybarkid_0o
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    o0_themilkybarkid_0o polycounter lvl 2
    Thanks for the feedback guys! 
    Brian "Panda" Choi
    I've been mostly google searching nighties, but this has been my main reference here 

    Some advice on this would be really appreciated, I'm not too sure where to go with the cloth from here without making it look too thin, like silk, or too thick like leather, so if you have any ideas please throw them my way! 

    Thank you! The ears are just kind of placeholders at the moment, I need to age them up a little but they will be mostly covered by hair so I'm not going to spend too much time on them 

    I'm intentionally keeping them far apart to look like a deer! Hopefully it will make more sense when I texture the eyes and add eyelashes and such. I've tried to keep in-line with classical portraiture so the corners of the mouth line up with the corners of the eyes and nose. Although if it is really off-putting I may try out a few different widths. 
  • o0_themilkybarkid_0o
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    o0_themilkybarkid_0o polycounter lvl 2
    Optimus I've got a good handle on how to do the hair in 3DMax but if that fails I may try blender. Using ZBrush for real-time hair is a nightmare. I will fix those hands! It is on my list. The fingers have gotten skewed from moving and posing the arms and using symmetry. 
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