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What should I name my Freelance Business?

polycounter lvl 6
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Bletzkarn polycounter lvl 6
Sounds like a dumb question but I want to optimize SEO / searching.

Here are some basic stats about the services:

Country: Australia

Services: Architectural Rendering, Product Rendering, Animation (flythrough), AR & VR digital experiences.

Google trends puts the ratio of Architectural 3D / rendering / visualisation at 60% / 31% / 9% 

Popular websites in my area seem to be split between two categories:

Category 1: "supercheap3D" "cheaps3D" "the3Darchitect" Very boring names with obvious SEO impact.

Category 2: "the big picture" "pink pineapple" "food slicer" Totally nonsense names that have obvliously only become popular due to their work.

In my mind one needs a mix of the both. "SUPER CHEAP 3D" seems great for someone wanting a quick product render, but they're not going to be approached by any big clients for creative endevours.

having "Zen Spark" or "Purple Banana" is going to make you seem like a trendy design company but a death sentence without any initial clients.

What are your thoughts on the topic?


  • lotet
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    lotet hero character
    honestly, your the only one that can name your company.

    secondly, dont overthink it, pick something you like. its more important that you like the name, that it sounds good and is easy to pronounce then that it "makes sense".

    the only "rule" I  think is worth following is the 2 to 3 syllables rule.
    basically anything thats 2 or 3 syllables is easy to remember and sound good:

    just mash up some words you like that relate to what your doing and end up being 2-3 syllables. 
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