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Anatomy in Portfolio Necessary?

polycounter lvl 8
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PattyWhacker polycounter lvl 8
I'm wondering if it's absolutely necessary to include an anatomy study in a portfolio for a character artist. Someone was telling me my anatomy pieces were the weakest pieces in my portfolio and that I should cut them out. You can check the portfolio out at https://patrickkrause3d.carbonmade.com. Anatomy projects aren't always my favorite projects to do, and maybe it shows, but it seems to me like displaying good knowledge about human anatomy would be essential. I guess I would like some advice on including anatomy studies in a portfolio. How do you incorporate your understanding of anatomy in your portfolios? What do you think is the best way around this issue?


  • beccatherose
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    beccatherose ngon master
    I'm not specifically a character artist, but if your anatomy pieces are weak, then that probably means the solution to your problem is to improve your anatomy knowledge rather than try to brush your weaknesses under a rug, especially with something as essential as anatomy. Make that your strength instead. 

    Something else to consider: some folks will probably disagree with me on this, but I personally don't like to see a bunch of figure studies in a portfolio. I think you're better off demonstrating the skills learned with badass character work. A comparable example (since I'm mostly a 2D artist) is instead of an artist having still life drawings in their portfolio to demonstrate that they understand light and form, I want to see that knowledge reflected in their concept art.
  • GeorgeCrudo
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    GeorgeCrudo interpolator
    Personally I like to find characters that I love to work on that also have anatomy involved in them. That way I can work on a character that is a bit more interesting to me than just a random anatomy study while also practicing anatomy knowledge. Even just exposed arms or hands on a character gives you another opportunity to practice working on a piece of the body. Anatomy is super important so you gotta find ways to enjoy learning and working with it :)
  • slosh
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    slosh hero character
    Yes anatomy is essential in character art folios.  I think for someone starting out, having JUST an anatomy study is both good and bad.  If it is well done, it shows you have a good knowledge base but if it feels very WIP, it will reflect poorly on your ability for completion and presentation.  If you do put an anatomy study in your folio, consider posing it and rendering it nicely.  Even without texturing, if it is done well, it will help.  Below is a prime example of an anatomy study that reflects both excellent knowledge understanding and professional presentation.  Obviously, not everyone can hit that level but it gives you a good idea of how to incorporate an anatomy "study" into your professional folio.  The other avenue is incorporating it into a character you are making.  I do this on most of my characters...I detail out my anatomy even if I know most will be covered with clothes.  It's excellent practice that almost no character artist should ever skip.

  • JordanN
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    JordanN interpolator
    If I was going into Charcter Art, I would love to make something in the form of a marble statue.

    Even if you ignore the job aspect of it, it magnifies you can still build a piece around anatomy and have it stand out on its own.
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