Paul Graveson has a tool, that he did not publish as far as I know: Spline tool. This is not the same as objects that are repeated along the spline with the snapshot tool. These objects are bend along the curve and merged like the curve brush in Zbrush. I know you can do this manually with the world space path deform modifier, but you still have to guess the amount of objects you need, and it can't be adjusted dynamically. This would be ideal for repeated merged topology such as ropes and hoses, but also for stitches that bend with the spline.
I wanted to make such a script myself, but I just don't have the time. Does anyone know if there is a script like this? Or how to contact Paul Graveson? 
I don't think he released it and seems like he might have moved on to Maya. Certainly looks identical to having insert multi mesh curve brush in Max. Post back if you succeed
Isn't there something like this?
He replyed with this when I asked if he'd ever released it:
@musashidan1 i didn't, no - always wanted to convert it to C++ for speed but never had the time. It has some bugs preventing release atm
I still asked for a 'bugged beta' release to test. I'll see what he says, and if he's happy to give me a beta copy I'll let you know.
Yeah, just had a gander at his profile page. He hasn't visited since Jan 1.
I would not care if it has some bugs. If I know what the bugs are I can work around them ;-)
I think this is a great tool for a lot of detailing work.
I am working on a similar tool: MeshBrush it is part of a tool called Tycoon.
More updates for the upcoming Tycoon Update 1.2
#MeshBrush #Madebytycoon
Draw splines and deform custom meshes on splines.
Inspired by the Insert Brush from Zbrush.
I hope you can improve the functionality because this can be really useful when implemented correctly.
Paul Graveson's Spline tools still seems to work better.
Concepts of my script. I just made the interface and unfortunately did not have the time to implement it. I wanted to make that script for a very long time but never found the time.
New Tycoon Spline tool -- Beta coming soon!
+ Place objects on spline,
+ Replace/change every object,
+ Move up and down,
+ Change orientation
Fixed in this version 0.8:
- Update & Collapse performance update.
- Axis / object orientation
- Update with new picked objects
- bugfix with same object
- set color after moving
- move up and down index after update
- combine pick item and pick mesh button
- object orientation after update
Made for 3Ds Max 2015/2016/2017 using MaxPlus/Python
By Yvo von Berg
Coming soon! Stay tuned:
The MCG Modifier: MCG Path Constraint Has some of the functionality:
But not:
- Twist along spline setting (alternative to using an extra spline)
- Auto weld (for creating hozes/Tubes)
- Start and End Caps