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RTT Assist

Render To Texture Assist is a handy script for 3dsmax written by Kostadin "miauu" and Martin "CodeFather" Punchev.

Rexus thought this belonged on the news page and I totally agree. Just look at that slick UI...

And the features aren't that shabby either...

- Explode all objects using an unique vector so there are no overlapping objects and there is enough space between them.
- Produce the best quality, normal, Ambient Occlusion and other map types.
- Render using "Smart" , an algorithm that saves rendering time by processing less important objects more quickly.
- Render using the "Isolation" method.
- Batch render multiple files at once.
- Combine all rendered maps together in a single resulting map.
- Create a custom render presets for every need.
- Easy to use interface and "click-of-a-button" workflow.
- LiveLog - Instant visual feedback at every step.

Check out more info along with videos at: http://vertexbee.com/rttassist.htm

Some of you might of been following this already or seen it pop up on script spot but if you're like me, bogged down with work and personal projects you haven't checked this out, you should. I did and its pretty awesome.


  • NoltaN
    Offline / Send Message
    NoltaN polycounter lvl 15
    This looks like it could be a great addition to my workflow. I'll have to try it out soon.
  • felipefrango
    Offline / Send Message
    felipefrango polycounter lvl 9
    Looks sick, gonna try it out asap.
  • Quack!
    Offline / Send Message
    Quack! polycounter lvl 17
    I just used it for my first FPS weapon. I do think though that it will be an amazing addition to my arsenal. At first rendering out each element as a separate map and having to 'combine' them seemed odd to me. But as I start to fix errors in my normal maps, I realize being able to bake maps for the separate parts and only update that part is a godsend.

    One thing would be nice though, a full walkthrough of a mesh from setting up rtt to getting the correct map would help this plugin immensely. I just fumbled my way through it until I found out how to get correct results because of the lack of documentation.
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