Trying to practice handpainting, ignore the decoration shapes that is just some AO that will be covered later. Colour is awful because I'm using a cintiq, colour looks good on there but then on a normal monitor it's super bright and saturated.

I'm just going around in circles, spent 5 hours on this so far and it's horrendous. There are no photo overlays. I often end up over doing it, adding too many layers and losing control. Here is how it was before I spent 2 hours on it this morning, I think it was better before?

Is it that I don't have enough vertical lines?

Here are some examples I'm using as ref,

I'd reduce the contrast of internal cracks on the planks.
I can't really see any wood grain; the wood just seems to flow randomly from one shade to the next, without really following the gain at all.
2) Space between your planks should have the widest bevel, currently your cracks and grooves have bevels just as wide as the edges between the planks. Were it not for the fact that you have such short grooves it would be hard to tell whether what you're looking at is a break in the surface or just a groove.
3) Your colors are super yellow, you references colors are very red.
4) Your grooves are very short as I mentioned above, if you look at your references the grooves in the wood are long and thin. This is probably the most important difference between your work and the reference. You also have random spirals in your wood that aren't present in the reference.
These are just my opinions, particularly if you want to get close to your reference. Personally I think what you have looks good and could just use more consistent lighting and some cleanup but I understand if that's not the style you're after. In which case you need to pay more attention to your references.
I think the grooves/highlights in the middle of the board are too contrasty though. I would try to keep the brightest highlights and darkest darks around the sides of the planks, that way the shapes are clearly defined. Right now the distribution of lights/darks is making it just a little too noisy for my tastes.
Remember that not every groove NEEDS to have a highlight, it's okay to just put a dark line there. Use your best artistic judgment to determine if it's worth it to put a highlight there.
It might also be a good time to start adding some color variation, particularly cooler darks. Just my opinion though.
Unless you have a deadline I say take as long as you need... When you can get consistently good results it's easier to get faster just by doing it over and over again.
Here is the latest inc my asset that I'm applying too, might help feedback to see it in context?
edit : Funny. Just as I was writing that I was listening to the GameDev podcast special about PBR and they started talking about how PBR came from the likes of Pixar who of course do stylistic graphics. So yeah, will continue with this style