Hey Guys,
This character was inspired by the League of Legends champion Talon. I ran with the name and tried to echo elements of birds of prey into his leather armour. The colour palette came from the plumage of a red falcon.
5548 tri's
1024 diffuse/spec
I'll most likely get some other poses done soon, as always crits and ideas welcomed!
Hope you like it
IMO it would suck to have that cape though when your charecter runs it looks like the weight of the blades on the bottom of the cape would keep it weighted down to the ground causing the charecters back legs to hit the blade everytime he runs.
never the less I still love this
I would say that maybe his arms are a little bit too long but that's about the only thing i can see.
Otherwise pretty nice texture job,
Can we see a wireframe please
Could we see some wires/flats?
Looking forward to some nice mid-air-strike poses
Yeah I was originally going to push the proportions more towards the style of Scarecrow from Rock Steady's Batman series. Once I'd modeled the armour he became a little more bulked out than intended and had not really noticed just how long the forearms and fingers are.
@michaelmilette - Yeah the metal on the cloak certainly ways it down, but I wanted to bring elements of the original concept of Talon from League of Legends. During his attacks he utalizes these as he flares the cloak.
@chrisradsby - I think I'll have a whirl at more variation in colour throughout the texture. I think bringing colder colours into the shadows will help, and some warm tones into the highlights of the metal.
@whw - I'll make some tweaks and then hopefully have some cooler poses!
Again.... great to hear such positive feedback from you all
Here's the texture and a quick grab of the wireframe, will work on my presentation of these for my portfolio
I'll be making some changes to the arms and fingers, work on the skin texture and get a much stronger pose (skinning was rushed and I got lazy).
I'm close to finishing the mesh on my next character so I'll start a WIP thread for a change and get crit at an earlier stage
Cheers as always for taking a look at my work!
Looking forward to your updates as well as your next character!
@KennyTies - cheers for the comments. It's a real time render in the marmoset toolbag.