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[m21] EBR Sniper Rifle

polycounter lvl 13
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jordan.kocon polycounter lvl 13
So I decided to go back to a weapon I made in school, I really like the design and proportions/detail of it. The only issue is when I did it, I did't know how to properly model, and therefore a lot of the edges were really tight. I didn't really feel like going back and softening all the edges though, I just REALLY want to texture this thing after seeing the gorgeous guns in battlefield.

So here is the high poly, then the low poly + AO + normal. I am hoping to do some paint overs tomorrow of different colour schemes, etc.

Here it is :) C&C would be awesome

Normal Only:
Normal + AO:
Normal map:
AO map:


    This is the strangest looking tree I've ever seen. At least add some leafs.
    I think the bake turned out really great actually! Was wondering about the muzzle though. None of your shots have a clear view of it. Should look really dope once you make one of those "Kocon" Texture and spec maps.
  • ranek
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    ranek polycounter lvl 8
    your bake is awesome! real sharm
  • jordan.kocon
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    jordan.kocon polycounter lvl 13
    XXXTHECHAD: Thanks man, I will post a shot of the muzzle later :)

    ranek: Thanks dude! It was a combo of maya and xnormal.

    So I am trying to figure out a colour scheme, I am leaning towards 2, what do you guys think? I am going to be going for a battlefield 3/Brink style...

    Number 2 is for sure the most interesting!
  • jaycons
    Agreed with #2! But I would add some of the aspects from 3 into it like the tripod, clip wrapping, and the butt of the gun! Other then that your color scheme is pretty bad ass.
  • Korrax
    Great. I agree with #2 as well! nice lowpoly, you have a wire shot/tri count? thats going to be a lot of texturing, best of luck!
  • GragGunslinger
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    GragGunslinger polycounter lvl 7
    I really dig your silhouette with the sniper rifle, but there's 2 areas that are kind of bugging me on your lowpoly bake.


    -In the top black circle, I feel like your geo is starting to show, and you could spare a few extra polygons to really make that smooth, especially since it's such an important area.

    -In the bottom circle, there is a weird normal glitch there, or maybe it's just the compression on your image but the corner there feels sharp?

    Overall, I think you did a great job! and I like #2 as well, but those areas just jumped out at me.
  • DudeinCA
    love the model. can you post some wireframes?
    and #2 !
  • jordan.kocon
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    jordan.kocon polycounter lvl 13
    Wow thanks guys :)

    jaycons: Thanks!

    Korrax: Thanks mate, it will be a lot of texturing, but I can use the practice.

    GragGunSlinger: Thanks a lot for the paintover! My screenshots here don't reflect the changes, but I agree with both those points, I'll add them to my next update.

    DudeinCA: Cheers, here's some wires :)

    The model is super dense... And not to use this as an excuse (but I will), I deal with tri counts and texture sizes everyday at work, so with this model I just wanted to get it down, and get to the fun part, texturing. So I didn't spend any time optimizing. Though I will go back and do it eventually.

    Colour Scheme:



  • RozekWracy
    I would add some of the aspects from 3 into it like the tripodsong3.jpgsong2.jpg
  • jordan.kocon
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    jordan.kocon polycounter lvl 13
    RozekWracy: Your images aren't showing up man :(
  • jordan.kocon
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    jordan.kocon polycounter lvl 13
    Alright here is an update... I finally started texturing it today! I have been really inspired by Battlefield 3, and I want achieve the same crunchy chipped paint feeling they have on some of the weapons. This is the first texture pass, let me know what you like/don't like so far.

  • Xoliul
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    Xoliul polycounter lvl 16
    What size textures do you have? It looks like you'd need a 4K with the UV layout. You could definitely have UV'd this thing a lot more efficient. Remember Brink used 2 by 1k textures for the weapons...
    And your chipped paint looks mostly like an overlay that doesn't make too much sense at the moment. Try to think more of where it would actually wear like that instead of applying it uniformly.
  • jordan.kocon
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    jordan.kocon polycounter lvl 13
    Xoliul: It's currently a 4k map :( I have never used a 4k map, and wasn't really thinking, I waaaaaay underestimated the size of it. I gave too many small bits too much space. As for the paint, I am re-working it so it's not so random.

    SasoChicken: I was thinking of giving it crazy colours, but then decided to go more modern/desert. I like the of adding 'Nose Art' to it, it was something I considered before. I ended up going and adding it :)

    Here is an update. I am working on getting the paint feeling, and adding more scratches and dirt. Next update should include an updated spec map, but here is where it's at now:

  • dpadam450
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    dpadam450 polycounter lvl 12
    I thought the original random scratch/grunge looked better. I wouldn't have been one to complain about the original since I thought it looked sweet.
  • AlanSMitchell
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    AlanSMitchell polycounter lvl 14
    I kinda want to see the original grunge with the painted parts. but keep the dirt and stuff on the grip.
  • jordan.kocon
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    jordan.kocon polycounter lvl 13
    dpadam450: Personally I think the direction I am heading in will look better in the end, hopefully you will agree when all is said and done :)

    Here is another update, I am kind of spamming this thread, but I need to stay motivated.. I think the rifle is nearing completion, minus all the little personal touches. I think the brunt of the work is done... the bipod and scope are still left to do.

  • bgivenb
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    bgivenb polycounter lvl 5
    Looks awesome!
  • St4lis
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    St4lis polycounter lvl 7
    the gun looks really good, but you've got some technical issues.
    The major ones are:
    The crooked UV-mapping of the cylinders
    The big gradients on the normal map (will look wired in some angles in most engines).
    The lack of reusing. Your simply wasting too much texture space.


    I strongly suggest trying out MIG Normal Tools to get less gradienty normal maps.

    But again, the gun looks really good, take these advice and you'll make it perfect next time.
  • respawnrt
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    respawnrt polycounter lvl 8
    That doesn't look flat i mean the whole geom that coresponds to that uv island.That just looks like
    it takes the smoothing into account so you don't really have to care about that gradient.Do you want him to put more edgeloops for that ? Waste of geom if it looks ok in viewport.But yeah the mirroring and other cilinders well...i guess you need to rework a lot of the uvs :)
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