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Duesenberg SJ Speedster Weymann 1933

I´ve started my first car model ever, and I´ve chosen the Duesenberg SJ Speedster Weymann, Fishtail Edition from 1933, because the shape isnt sooooo complicated and in my opinion its good for artist who never did vehicles before.

Some photos so you can get an idea what I´m heading for:





And here are my first, very very early WIP renderings, @ the moment with turbosmooth (chassis & wheels) and mental ray rendered in 3ds Max.



I also want to build the engine, but at first i want to have the car finished so I can take it in my Portfolio.

The PC should be 50.000 tris up to 75.000 in maximum. I have do unwrap the whole car because of its special paint (or not????).

Any C&C is very welcome!
Thanks in advance.


  • MonsterMan
    Offline / Send Message
    MonsterMan polycounter lvl 9
    Looks like you have a good start here. It looks like the back of the car comes to a triagle point or fin at the back end, while your models appears to be more rounded? -It could be the angle of the 3/4 view though.
  • Mr.Cash
    Yeah I realy think this is caused by the perspective. I will show some back-views whe posting the next update.

    And the turbosmooth seems to make it more round than needed, but there are absolutelly no supporting edges in there.

    Thanks for the feedback.
  • Mr.Cash
    I´ve continued the work....

    realtime with wireframe, and mental ray rendered again.
    Many strange areas which have to be overworked, exhaust are like in real on the left side only now.
    Currently I´m working on the details.
    Turbosmooth will be collapsed afterwards, followed by optimizing my mesh.






  • Mr.Cash
    I was in the need of some renderings of my wip-car for school, so I´ve uploaded them and here they are. Exhaust pipe, exterior mirror, hand gear for handbreake, and some minor details are still missing.

    Everything is turbosmoothed, so its a render-only car @ the moment,
    mental ray rendered in 3ds max.






  • Mr.Cash
    Finished the HP of my Duesenberg. Got to complete the interior parts and afterwards some close up renderers & wires will follow. Also heading for the engine and of cos the game-mesh.

    Mental Ray reflection test of my final highpoly :D
    Smoothed 2 times



    the wires..reduced turbo-smooth iterations to 1 for better cognizability

    Different versions of it, body-paint, exhaust, rims, bumbers, front window, roof, front lights and some other parts are alterable.
    Working on the dashboard and some additional interior parts. Also have to sculpt the roof in Mudbox.3.jpg

    Thankz for any comment or crit on my work :)
  • Razgriz
    Offline / Send Message
    Razgriz keyframe
    Rendering the wireframes as isoline will let you keep the smoothing at 2 and have recognizable topology.

    I also feel the scale on the cracked dirt/concrete is too large, making the cars all look like miniatures. I would love to see all five versions of the cars in a lineup, or something that's not a distant render with them scattered all over the place.
  • Kitteh
    Offline / Send Message
    Kitteh polycounter lvl 18
    The fenders do not look the way you've modeled them, they have sharp edges and are concave underneath. Yours have smooth edges and are thick and convex inside.
  • Mr.Cash
    @ Razgriz : This would be a possibility, but I dont like Isoline Display for wire-screens, because some of your topology isnt understandable for everybody, and its just not showing the "truth".

    To the ground: this is just a simple ground plane with a quick&dirty texture applied^^ (you can see tiling-seams, and yes I´ll should mentioned that in my last post). Of course there have to be more stuff around my cars, but at first I want to have more then a grey plane, but less then 10min of work, so cgtextures was my best friend :p

    Thinking about a car dealer building because I´ve got different versions (also good for the lineup ). Or are there any other good ideas??? open 4 all....

    Nonetheless, thanks for your comment.

    @ Kitteh: Yeah you´re right, thanks for that. My fenders are also as thin as in the refs, but on their top they are smoothing to the inside, so it looks like a much more heavier structure. Definately good to fix that.

    Thanks dudes, already nice thoughts. Very helpful
  • Mr.Cash
    Long time ago, I was working on a Duesenberg model....:p

    Found some time to finish the dashboard and add some interieur parts. Also throwed out some close up renderings.


  • kodde
    Offline / Send Message
    kodde polycounter lvl 19
    Oooo...guages are cool.
    All those moire patterns and jitter is a real turn-off for me.
  • AnimeAngel
  • Mr.Cash
    Thanks guys^^

    @ kodde: Sry, my english isnt the best. I dont get what you want to say with your second sentence?
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