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Diablo 3 Barbarian

Hey guys. This is my first P&P Post, so let me have it!!!



  • Rhoutermans
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    Rhoutermans polycounter lvl 12
    awesome :) like this a lot.
    He does look a little bit clean tho, I'm sure he gathered all those trophies through battle, therefore he and the items could use some damage :)
    ps. He be scary :)
  • mjackson126
    Thanks for the comment man! Yeah, He's not finished, so I plan to give him nice war scars and beat up his armor. Still lots to do on this guy. Thanks again for the feedback.
  • Dan!
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    Dan! polycounter lvl 6
    hnnnnggggggg! It looks great- I'm sure the authentic battle damage will really take it over the top. I don't envy you when it comes time to transfer this all down;)
  • hitmanrebel
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    hitmanrebel polycounter lvl 8
    I'd love to see this guy touch his toes lol.

    Awesome work!
    I did notice that compared to the rest of the model the sword hilt feels a bit lacking.
  • Cooljay
    Some straps seem appropriate in the back like hitmanrebel said.
  • Grimngor
    Only one thing more. I think that the shoulder muscle from behind should be bigger. Its only my opinion, just for help. In any case, Good Job!
  • woogity
    the shoulder looks very wrong from the back view, definitely revisit that area, otherwise its looking pretty sweet man, o and the claws on the feet dont really feel like they are attached atm, maybe take a look at that too. nice work really nice anatomy for the most part, and great proportions.
  • Grimngor
    I´ve saw another thing, you could try to do the sword larger an not so wide. Also refine the muscles of the leg from the back, do that blured. I really love the muscle block of the chest it´s a very good job!!
  • crazyfingers
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    crazyfingers polycounter lvl 10
    Niiiice dude! Blizzardy but you've also made it your own. Quick suggestions: simplify the beard, it's a little distracting. I also think a badass necklace would help add some detail to his upper body without going overboard. You may consider removing the hand spikes on the hand that wields the sword for some more asymmetry. Not sure i'm sold on the spikes on his knee but we'll see where you go with it :).

    Just out of curiosity are you going for a diablo 3 sort of polycount or more of a high end balls deep sort of character with 20k tris?
  • mjackson126
    Thanks so much for the comments/crits guys!

    Woog - Yeah, I really need to re-work that shoulder from the back. Good catch. Also, the claws on the feet aren't quite done yet, but I'll def look into that.

    Grimngor - Yeah, those calves need some lovin. That's only the block in with the major planes for now. I like to establish the planes of all my forms pretty early.

    Crazyfingers - Thanks man! I did plan, in the beginning to give him a necklace. I will probably revisit that idea. Also, I have played with the idea of removing his left hand "claws".

    Anyways, thanks again guys. Keep em comin!!!
  • Nizza_waaarg
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    Nizza_waaarg polycounter lvl 15
    digs it ^^
    Texturing phase should help break up the seperate elements heaps, bit noisy atm due to the one value on everything. Lookin forward to your detailin pass too, ding'ing up that armour :)
    Also yeh, the booties and loin cloth bits.

    Looks great man (wish diablo 3 would hurry up and release already) :)
  • LRoy
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    LRoy polycounter lvl 14
    Awesome stuff.

    Calf looks pretty funky though.
  • Vorge
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    Vorge polycounter lvl 18
    This is looking awesome, hot damn. The only real crit I have is the rear deltoid as well as scapula / trapezius area looks like it could use a bit more love to really nail the form. Definitely a good direction!

    edit: my crit caught already, sorry redundancy. Still looks good!
  • jmt
    This is looking really good!

    The grip parts of his swords look very uncomfortable to hold. It doesn't look like his hand would fit over the smaller one and the one on his back has the part of the crossguard that bends back. It looks like that would get in the way.

    It looks like his neck is a bit too long. I guess you put a more regular sized neck on top of big traps, but the area between the head and shoulders should shrink the more muscular a person is. It also looks like the delts should be higher maybe. Something looks a bit off in that area.

    The fabric for his pants and feet also looks really blobby - obviously they aren't finished, but it seems like you could rework the overall forms to make them more appealing before going in and adding wrinkles etc. I would personally give him some big boots like warhammer orks wear, but feel free to keep going in the direction you are with them. As was mentioned before, the spikes don't connect anywhere and don't seem to fit with the design at the moment. Also, the straps around his feet, especially the ankle, look very uncomfortable.

    It seems like you used the same skull for both the knee and waist, but modified it a bit. I would suggest changing one of them a lot more. I guess he got them from the same kind of monster but at first glance it looks like it could be a direct dupe.
  • Roepetoepa
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    Roepetoepa polycounter lvl 12
    Good job on the muscles man ! but i'd redo the shoulderpart at the back ... its a bit off ...
    Good luck with him :p
  • P442
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    P442 polycounter lvl 8
    I think his sword blade should be 50% longer!!!!! His current sword just looks like a machete compared to how big he is.
  • mjackson126
    Thanks for the comments guys!

    crazyfingers - Sorry I didn't answer your question earlier, I didn't notice it. Anyways, I plan to make this guy high end and to the highest quality I'm currently capable of. He probably won't be 20k tris though.

    Nizza_waaarg - Thanks man. Yeah, the color should help break up the "noise". I like details lol!

    LRoy - Thanks man, the calf will be fixed

    Vorge - Thanks

    jmt - Thanks for the crits. Man, you noticed some nice stuff! Good eye! That's precisely why I chose to start showing my work here. Thanks a lot. I didn't even notice how short his sword handle was because it's that short in the concept. Anyways, thanks again man.

    Roepetoepa - Thanks

    P442 - Thanks

    Update. I chose to omit the knee blades. You guys were right, they just weren't working.

  • seth.
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    seth. polycounter lvl 14
    great stuff mjackson126, love the detailing on the big sword. My one personal niggle is that the buckles on the shins are at the front rather than to the inside of the calf....I think that I might be a bit OCD on buckles to be honest though :)
  • mjackson126
    Thanks Seth, yeah I like the buckles in the front.


  • mjackson126
  • VPrime
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    VPrime polycounter lvl 9
    Looks awesome........... If he ever bends down to pick something up he will stab him self with his horns haha
  • mjackson126
    Thanks VPrime. Ha, I think that's why he has those foot claw thingiez ;)
  • TorQue[MoD]
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    TorQue[MoD] polycounter lvl 20
    THat is a good point that Vprime made... you might want to rotate them 90 so they're horizontal... might actually look better if they're coming out of the top of the skull anyway. But seriously this is one amazing looking Barbarian. How long did it take you to make this?
  • crazyfingers
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    crazyfingers polycounter lvl 10
    Claw on his hand is looking a bit forced, i think some kind of skull gauntlet with horns or long teeth used as a claw may gel with the rest of him more. Beard is looking better, but i think you could add some braids to the back of his hair to bring some consistency to the hair detailing.

    Really comin' along though!
  • LRoy
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    LRoy polycounter lvl 14
    Claw gauntlet looks a bit filmsy for something thats going to be smashing into things.
  • mjackson126
    Hey guys,

    He's back. Here is some Low Poly Work. I want him to be really detailed, so he'll be around 15k tris with two 2048 maps. Here is where I'm at now. Let me know what you think.




  • Zodd
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    Zodd polycounter lvl 11
    You might want to tweak those normal maps, they seem funky on certain parts of model especially in the lower region of the legs (mainly the claws on the tip of the feet) as they seem to be read as bump maps, instead of Tangent space normals (maya tends to do that)
    also some minor geometry cleanup would be nice.
    Other than that its looking great, i just love how the chest area turned out
  • PaulP
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    PaulP polycounter lvl 9
    This is looking awesome, so much detail! I think the volume between the back of the boots connecting to the calf muscles could be adjusted, its seems a bit thin and skin-tight at the moment
  • tda
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    tda polycounter lvl 16
    Yeah i'd say the lowpoly geo doesn't make a lot of sense. Lots of uneven spacing and odd placement of verts. I'd definitely revisit a lot of the loops. The normal also doesnt look like it's doing justice to your sculpt. The feet as mentioned and other areas are lookin rather funky.
  • JoseConseco
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    JoseConseco greentooth
    Very nice model but I agree that low poly should have more polys or something to make especially booth look better.
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