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sidescrollin halp

polycounter lvl 15
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Nizza_waaarg polycounter lvl 15
hey all, so i've been trying to setup this really basic sidescrolling game just to see if i could manage it. So far i've followed (hourences) to the letter and got the new gametype working. Then i more or less replaced the "Pawn" and "PlayerController" with this and it seems to be working which is cool.

I've been going all over the udn forums but could really use someone to help guide me through it.
I'm hoping to ditch the mouse aiming so the player jsut looks in the direction he's moving in (going for a running, platformer style game... evade enemies rather than pew pew them).

Any help with this would be muchos appreciated...


  • Oniram
  • Nizza_waaarg
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    Nizza_waaarg polycounter lvl 15
    edit: urp, found it kinda... used the bit below and it seems to work ^^
    the default player still looks up and down with it but can only shoot left or right depending on the direction of movement...

    hmm, gettin my own player character in there (anim tree >_<) looks like it's gonna be a little trickier than i thought. I'll keep at it i guess.

    function UpdateRotation( float DeltaTime )
    local Rotator DeltaRot, ViewRotation;

    ViewRotation = Rotation;

    // Calculate Delta to be applied on ViewRotation
    DeltaRot.Yaw = Pawn.Rotation.Yaw;
    DeltaRot.Pitch = PlayerInput.aLookUp;

    ProcessViewRotation( DeltaTime, ViewRotation, DeltaRot );
  • Nizza_waaarg
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    Nizza_waaarg polycounter lvl 15
    Ran into my next hurdle >_<

    SkeletalMesh for the player character isn't loading : \
    So far I've got a "MyGame" folder under Content (upk) and Development/Src (scripts).
    I finally got the sidescrolling camera setup right thanks to this sweptsquash tut. At the bottom there's an additional bit explaining how to get a custom character in place of the default unreal skeletal mesh but it's not working and i srsly can't figure it out (looks about the same in other links i've gone over too).

    There's no error's when i compile, it's just got the default unreal player mesh (tho it got rid of the anim's, i'm guessing it's trying to load my anim set/tree but has different bones to my character maybe).

    Anyways, my MyPawn.uc looks more or less the same as in the tut (and what i've read from other links too) and it should work fine but yeh, no luck :( (pic too, coz i like pics). Might be something else i'm supposed to add to some other random file, i dunno (i tried adding the same info to the PlayerController.uc too but nothing.
    Sorry for the epic noob-ness but this shit is really frustrating, just want sidescroller with my own art in it >:{

  • Froyok
  • Nizza_waaarg
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    Nizza_waaarg polycounter lvl 15
    cheers for the link Froyok. I actually got it kinda working with that, but got some help on the udn forums. Apparently i had to add some other random stuff to my Pawn.uc to get it to work... still have no idea how it works but it does ^^

    onto the art :poly142:

    (btw if anyone knows how to make a character vault/climb over objects and maybe slide on the ground, mirror's edge style, any tips would be appreciated... i'm guessing that junk might be a bit harder :\)

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