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Beginer Question # 3


  • GoSsS
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    GoSsS polycounter lvl 14

    What's your question ?

    How to create a glowing red material ? Pretty simple just use a red color in the self illum slot in 3ds max :p

    Oh wait ! this isn't your question ?
  • Builder_Anthony
    Well right now im going to be textureing this and i havent a clue.I think im going to keep the red materail on the front of the poker,and look around for a steel texture on google images.Then throw that into 3ds max and apply a bump for the steel center shaft.

    Origionaily i was going to ask why i made a uv unwrap map if i already had a materail for the poker but i forgot thats to deal with streching,though it can be colored in.So the post is a little wack.

    What would you do next after assigning materails to this model?
  • Builder_Anthony
    What should i do after ive made my uv template.Should i convert the model to editable poly?
  • r_fletch_r
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    r_fletch_r polycounter lvl 9
    Anthony, I think perhaps you should spend a little time learning the basics before asking people questions. If you have problems by all means make a post but asking folks really basic questions that can quickly be googled is a bit out of order.
    There are a load of video tutorials here http://cg.tutsplus.com/. also area.autodesk.com hosts a lot of max tutorials. 3DS max also has a really good set of tutorials shipping with it that will get you familiar with all the basics (id do these first)

    To answer your question you can collapse the stack, you can allways put a new modifier onto the stack and edit the uvs if you need.
  • killnpc
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    killnpc polycounter
    Builder_Anthony, you'll likely receive more useful feedback in the Pimping and Previews forums. There you should share your work and wait for people's feedback. When they suggest you do something, explain that you don't know how. That should get you the type of feedback you're looking for. Take what r_fletch_r has suggested into consideration as well. Making the habit of solving problems on your own, will go a long way the more you do this type of work.

  • Builder_Anthony
    Ya ive been wacthen turtorials.I did wacth that high poly rpg and complete dumpster.Just learning everything at once is a bit overwhelming and i seem to forget things.I appreciate the help though.......forgot to colaspe the stack.
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