Hi, I've been doing 3d for over 2 years now. I've been modeling this tank whenever i have time after work. Im fairly new to sub-d modeling and i wanted to try something big so here's what i have so far. If you guys have any tips or tricks i could use to make this better, let me know i would apreciate it!

how did u do ur tracks? i had a tought time doing mine
I tried to find other way to do it but nothing else realy worked
You should add a gloss/spec highlight to your model renders, to make it easier to see the geometry; the flatness of the current setup makes it hard to see the shapes.
Right now the shape of the turret is off; the rubber surface on the road wheels seems to be too thick. You should also model in the hatches of the engine compartment, as that part was not a single piece. Also pay close attention to the proportions of the different elements and their relative scales:
I think you should also revisit the tracks, the waffle pattern you currently have modeled is not accurate.
Thanks for the input Eraser, i'll see what i can do. Il try to redo the tracks tonight if i have time. I'll post again when i have something to show.
I'll put more angles too, right now there just isnt much to show, its still really early.
Fuel tanks also seem wrong to me.
I've see tons of images of T34-85 and can't remember fuel tanks being attached to the rear armor. Usually they r attached only on the sides (like Eraserhead's picture shows).
Moreover, your fuel tanks have too big radius.
Also they r not attached to the armor of your model. Metal rings should go around and be attached to the armor. In your case they just wrap around the barell and have no visual connection with sides of the tank.
I am working off of that ref pic.. thats why i put the fuel tanks like that. Ive been looking at picture and yeah they seem to be on the side most of the time.
Tomorrow ill redo the top part and start adding in the details.
But, I think you should do something about the side of the tracks, there not very distinguishable at seperation's.
I also Enjoy the new details! Its a Great High poly model
-"there not very distinguishable at seperation's."
That's a good point, I'll have to take a look at those again, I want to do the front and side details first. I also have to redo those fuel tanks for the strap arround it.
-And yeah I'm feeling better, so hopefuly i can find the time to finish this thing and start the lowpoly/texturing phase.
But i guess it is because u were sick so haven't changed them yet
Any chance to see front shot btw?
But anyway, I am modeling that strap thing right now. I'll post later on tonight to show you what i have. I'll also include a picture of the front to show you what i have modeled so far. Front is a little boring right now, that is why i did not include any pictures but i will anyway:P.
Link did not work. This one should work.
Ive remade those fuel tanks. There were different kind of straps so i used this one.
And Thit is what i have so far for the front.