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Mirror Morph Targets + 1 MaxScripts

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monster polycounter
So I finally updated my scripts page. I made it blog format for easy updating. And with the page I present to you a new handy script.
Mirror Morphs on X

This handy script will Mirror Morph targets on the X axis. If you use Z-brush you can use it to quickly edit your base object in Max, mirror the changes and re-import the tool. EPoly only, because I am an elitest (You guys stay on topic). Save the MCR file the the MacroScripts folder, restart Max, and look in the "monsterBlues" category.

Instructions for use:

1. Select a symmetrical model. (The model doesn't need to be entirely symmetrical, only the parts you intend to mirror.)
2. Adjust the threshold or leave the default. I don't recommend high numbers.
3. Hit the Initialize button and wait for it to process.
4. Once processed you may close the window. The data was saved to a temp file in your Windows temp directory.
5. When your ready, reopen the menu, select some verts that you modified, and hit the Mirror button and wait a few seconds.


I have a little script that cycles the nurm iterations level between 0, 1, and 2. You can find it about halfway down this page.



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