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Reflection Probe refreshes in editor - but not in final build

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SnowInChina interpolator
hey folks,
currently i am working on a showroom for VR and i have run into a small problem.
i have an enviroment switch in my scene where i can switch enviroments that consist of geometry + a hdri sky and sounds
everything works fine when i play my scene inside of unity, but when i export my scene the reflection probes do not update.
the enviroment geometry & hdri & sounds do switch, but the reflections are wrong (reflections are always from the default enviroment)
i tried setting the reflection probes to realtime - every frame, but even this did not work (usually my reflection probes are set up to refresh via script and every time i load a new enviroment i refresh them, i even tried to refresh them with a little time delay, but this didn't do anything)


  • SnowInChina
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    SnowInChina interpolator
    so i fixed it, i am not really sure what caused this, but i found some things on the unity forums to check and my best guess is, that the problem was the tagmanager.asset file, where a space schnucked into between the data
    in the thread i was reading it said that this happens when you import an unity package where gameobjects have tags that aren't yet created in your project file. but, since i was too lazy to actually build a new build after each change, it could have been several others things too.
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