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(UE4) Watchmaker

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tythomas063 greentooth
Hello, polycount! 

I'm currently working on a project to add to my portfolio. I want to make a scene that has a realism style that is similar to gears of war, Fallout 4, Skyrim, ghost recon: wildland, etc. So I decided to make a  vintage mantel clock that is set up near some tools and other objects. I'm hoping to learn more about making realistic textures in substance painter which the props will be set up in unreal engine 4. Then I want to practice on the lighting a scene since I'm still pretty new to setting up the lights. It will mean a lot to me if you can provide some feedback on my project since I'm aspiring to become environment/prop artist in video game industry. 

If you are willing to take a look at my portfolio, I will like to know what projects do you think I should remove it and what I need to keep in my mind to improve on for this project and future.  ( https://www.artstation.com/tythomas063

Softwares: Maya, substance painter, Unreal Engine 4

This is the reference photo of the scene and lighting that I want to make of: 

This is the reference photo that I'm using to make the vintage mantel clock:

Here is my Mantel Clock that I just made: 

Any feedback of my texture so far? (ignore the background and white box lol) 

I will be uploading more images of my project once I make some progress! 

Thank you for your time! :) 


  • tythomas063
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    tythomas063 greentooth
    I made some change to the texture of my mantel clock. Then I created several props to add to my scene. The white planes on the wall will be the paper that shows blueprint of clocks and some old articles. I'm still figuring out what other props I should to make to add to my project. I really want to find a way to create some kind of a storytelling through my props.  Any feedback is more than welcome and will be greatly appreciated. 

    I will update more once I create more props and make some change to the lighting. 

  • tythomas063
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    tythomas063 greentooth
    Hey everyone.

     I decided to make some changes to the setting and space because my previous scene seems too bland while the wall with wood planks has too much noise that can be distracting to the viewers. So I decided to use a concrete texture for the wall to reduce the "noise". Then  I created a watch gear that is not fully developed to show that the watch gear is still in progress to be finished by a character to add little of the storytelling. I also modeled the table and textured it in substance painter. I added some specks of dirt, cup drips and stained to show that the table was used for a long time.  I'm still creating more props including books, old posters, picture frame, and few other things. Any feedback will be greatly appreciated. 



  • kanga
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    kanga quad damage
    I like the new composition angle. The only thing that stands out at the moment is a clash with the geometry fidelity of the lamp compared to the clock. The low poly edges on the neck of the lamp could use more loops at the bends and the lamp cone we see is too low poly compared to the clock. You would want to up the polycount on the stuff that sticks out. Not the whole scene, just the stuff that clashes with the rest.
    Great start!
  • tythomas063
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    tythomas063 greentooth
    @kanga ,   Thanks! I'm glad you like my work so far. I upped the polycount on my lamp's neck and cone and it definitely looks so much better. My eyes must have been so used to the scene that I overlooked some details lol. Thank you so much for your feedback! 

    Here is the screenshot of recent changes I made to my scene:  

    I added the posters on the wall to show the personality of the character's interest. I also add the textures of the books. Then I modeled and textured the picture frame. I'm still finding a picture to add to my picture frame. 

    I will upload more screenshots after I create more small props since it still feels little empty. 


  • kanga
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    kanga quad damage
    Well done with the extra geometry! Looking super so far.
  • tythomas063
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    tythomas063 greentooth
    @kanga  Thank you! :)

    Hey everyone.

    I created a few assets which are a coffee mug, toolbox, and several papers on the table. I also adjusted the lighting to make it darker in the background behind the lamp. Then I added the bloom effect and increased the AO by the post-progress. The issue that I'm facing now is that I'm not sure why the screwdrivers and all of the cogs and rings are not dropping the cast shadow. The lighting(stationary) is baked and the cast shadow is activated on all of the props. I thought it looks pretty odd without any cast shadow. Any advice?

    For next parts that I will be doing is that I will be adding the picture in the frame and might add more detail(ornament) on the mantel clock on the bottom wood part of the clock.  Then I will adjust more things in the post-progress setting. 

    Any critiques are welcome. 



  • tythomas063
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    tythomas063 greentooth
    Hey everyone! 

    I made some changes to the lighting and post-progress. I added watch plates by the lamps. I adjusted a little bit to the mug's shape since it was too curvy. The picture was also added to the picture frame. 

    Any feedbacks are welcome. :) 



  • PatrickSF
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    PatrickSF triangle
    Looking real nice! I may be seeing things but the clock seems ever so slightly squished.
  • tythomas063
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    tythomas063 greentooth
    @PatrickSF Thank you very much! Btw I saw your recent work on Sci-FI and I really like it a lot! 

    What do you mean by slightly squished?  Do you mean it looks thinner by the side or front view?
  • PatrickSF
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    PatrickSF triangle
    Yeah, it seems as though it may just be the fov playing tricks in some of the shots with the circular time piece at the center seeming not entirely circular. I could take it to photoshop and measure just to put my mind at ease, but its 2 am ;)
  • tythomas063
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    tythomas063 greentooth
    @PatrickSF No problem at all and thanks for the offer :)  I personally think the camera could cause some distortion or little trick in the shots of the clock. Either way, I couldn't figure it out after several tries haha. 

    Hey everyone, 

    I decided to make a video of camera fly through the scene. I'm wondering if it is a good idea to add the video to my portfolio? I'm including the screenshots and wireframe as well. I feel this is pretty much done as I could not think of anything else to add or edit my project. 

    Any thoughts? 



    <iframe src="https://player.vimeo.com/video/257599665" width="640" height="360" frameborder="0" webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen></iframe>
    <p><a href="">CaptureReel3</a> from <a href="https://vimeo.com/user56604512">Tyler Thomas</a> on <a href="https://vimeo.com">Vimeo</a>.</p> 

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