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[UE4] Memory Project [ENDED]

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Khael null

Hi everyone, it’s the first time i post on polycount.

My project is called “Memory” and is the reproduction of my last year classroom where i shared a lot of emotions, days and nights of working with my classmates, learning how to use those amazing softwares and creating game content :D

This project was a way for me to apply all what i learned during school and internships.

I wanted to have a peacefull room, with a warm lighting, and a lot of life.

My goal was also to learn more about UE4, lighting, material creation with SD and procedural modeling on Houdini. 

Here is the latest WIP of my scene, please give me your opinion :)



  • Khael
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    Khael null

    Here are some pictures i used to work on my scene. I wanted to stay as closed as possible to the references. And i imagined a lot of cool possibilities on the lighting of the room.

  • Khael
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    Khael null
    First screenshots of the scene

    The most of the work at the moment is on the modeling, texturing, and lighting. I blocked out the meshes i needed the most for the scene (Woodbeams, tables, screens...) and i tried to get familiar with UE4 interface since it's my first personal project. 

  • Khael
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    Khael null
    After many iterations on the lighting and post processing, i found something that i enjoyed better thanks to the balance between warm and cool colors. 

    This time i didn't modeled anything more but i wanted to focus on texturing with SPainter
    A bit of texturing with Substance Designer for the floor and the wood beams. 

  • Khael
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    Khael null
    Hi mates !

    Since last time, i worked on many things in my UE4 scene.
    To share my work more often, I decided that i'll post something on this topic every week from now on :)

    So Today, here is a SD material i worked on for the Wood Beams of my scene.
    Quite challenging, as it's my first material creation.

    I'll post some screenshots of the UE4 scene's progress this week end.

    See you later and don't hesistate if you have an opinion about my work, i want to learn ;)
  • Khael
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    Khael null
    Hi there !

    Since last time, i applied my SD wood beam texture on my scene, did some lighting iterations to get a more bright and natural light, created a little dust particle effect.

    Also, i modeled a few props likes cables, or boxes to have more details. I had the idea to use Marvelous designer for the couch to get a more realistic element, i tried it a few hours and it's quite easy to use and understand. 

  • Peter_tran
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    Peter_tran triangle
    It feels nice, warm and cozy :) The lighting works really well! Looking forward to the progression.
  • Khael
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    Khael null
    @Peter_tran Thanks mate ! That's exactly the mood I was looking for in this scene :)

  • Khael
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    Khael null
    Hey guys,

    I spend the afternoon on Marvelous Designer and here is the result after a bit of substance painter. Pretty happy with the normal map baked on the marvelous high poly.

  • Khael
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    Khael null
    Hi guys ! During the last days, here what i've done.

    - rework my lighting again. It's not as warm as before but we see some texture details better (1 skylight, 1 Light Source, testing IES profils, adjust volumetric fog, adjust bounces)
    -texturing assets hit by light for better roughness/reflection, color bleeding... 
    -Enabled some post-processes 

  • Khael
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    Khael null
    Hey guys, got some new stuff on my project, i feel like i'm almost done.

    Here what i did since last time: 
    -Create all emissive lighting texture (images on screens are all from school project, or student personal interest)
    -Finalizing post processing and lighting
    -Add more depth and interesting point in the scene thanks to color theory and secondary lights position.
    -create multiples small props to add more chaos and life in the scene.
    -texturing a dozen of props.
    -create a sequencer video to have a better support to share the project.
    -In the process of creation of a Mood ambience music to enhance emotion during the sequencer video.

    Here is the link of the video first iteration :

    I would be really happy to have your opinion on my work :)

    Thanks mates !

  • Khael
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    Khael null
    All my environement is now over and here is the link of the final video :


    And some screenshots :

    Now that this project is done, i would like to go for smaller projects with a team. I want my environments to be used by players :)
    I am also looking for a job as Real-time 3D Artist / Environment Artist Junior and I aim AAA quality.

    Thanks for the people who followed me,

    See you later :)

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