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UE4 project crashes when I enable forward rendering

polycounter lvl 6
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Stu2Prof polycounter lvl 6
Hi guys I'm working on a project atm that is using stereo projection. The project has been working fine for the last month but recently the UE4 editor file crashes when I try to open it on any other computer than the one we demo-ed the experience on. The crash happens very quickly and doesn't give error codes. It has been functioning fine on other computers before this. I have done some testing by copying and pasting sections into a clean project and it seems that the crash only happens when forward rendering is enabled. I thought perhaps it could be an issue with the power of my machine but I'd been opening the project fine on my machine before this. Any chance you guys might know whats causing this?

I've attached the log file along with this post. Cheers for any help you can offer


  • Vexar
    Offline / Send Message
    Vexar polycounter lvl 3
    I would post this on the Unreal 4 Forum and submit the project to an Unreal 4 Engineer that can review it. From what I can see I would disable G-Buffer in the Rendering Section, and work through every warning that only appears after the switch the Forward Rendering. Also you enable debug symbols so you can get error codes. You might want to disable all non epic provided plugins, and then go through and remove all plugins that you do not need for the project. This forum is pretty sad as far as getting information quickly your error might already had a posted fix on the Unreal 4 Forum also would help to know which version of the engine you are using. 20+ days on this forum with no reply should indicate that nobody is closely watching this forum, noticed the same thing with reddit.
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