Hello, Polycount!
I want to present you WIP of my personal project, I do in my free time. I've already done some work for highpoly and making lowpoly for some parts. Actually HP for parachute, gloves and helm are ready, except maybe micro detalisation. I'm going to redo the winter coveralls from scratch in marvelous, cause I don't like it so far. So.
I'll be glad to hear (or read

) your advises and opinions about this WIP.

How do you get the texture on the fur side of the hat but not the leather side?
It has to be a winter flying suit. Here is my main reference:
As for the fur texture, now it's just a noise. I'm going to make it more natural at the lowpoly stage by using textures with alpha.
More specifically with the fur, if I tried that trick both sides of the cap would get textured. How do you prevent that?
Skinner3D said: About the fur on inner side of the helmet: it uses it's own subtool. So changing it won't make any effect on the leather side:
I had some time to start texturing gloves. It's not final yet, but I guess it's something to see the progress. Planning to make fur with alpha planes later.
Next to finish is helmet with goggles.
Thank you all for kind words.
Well. Nothing special here. I just took a photo of fur and made some maps from it by playing with curves in photoshop, and normals are made with quixel's ndo. Maybe just a little bit of hand painting for neat edges of alpha channel. First I wanted to use Ornatrix, but I decided to use it later on boots. There'll be a lot of hair work there. For now I placed alphaplanes manually.
Maya and Zbrush for highpoly and lowpoly. Textures made in substance painter.
So. I decided to make some changes in parachute belts. They looked too simple and stretched. Also, I made a new flying suit almost from scratch. I'm not sure if it's final. It's getting a bit far away from main ref, but I'll see what I can do in Zbrush: I'll try to make it a bit more "puffy".
Those are rough materials. Materials are still looks different in substance painter and in marmoset, so tweaking and setting up as well as More texture work are still ahead.
As for the fur. These are alpha planes with reuse, obviously, so I need to use second uv channel for baked AO. Problem here is - I can't see maps on model separately, and I'm not sure if I have right effect. Maybe someone knows how it works in marmoset?
Next stop is boots, I guess. Or parachute.
This work has such a tactile feel. I don't normally ogle at art, but something about this really draws me in. It's so simple seeming, but so well done. I just love this sort of art.
If you end up doing a full breakdown tutorial, I'd buy it for sure. That fur especially is very interesting, but all in all the texturing is just beautiful.
One piece every 6 month, wow! I guess whole project will be finished at 2020, lol.
That being said, i feel as if the material on the cable coming out into the parachute pack doesn't match the tactility of the rest of the model, making a contrast that seems a bit out of place. I'm not sure what could fix that, maybe just make the normal map a bit more intense?
This both are soon to be done. What I'll need to do after that is head and final tweaks.