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Photoshop's "convert to sRGB" doesn't work on export

polycounter lvl 7
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ttrevan_art polycounter lvl 7
Hi, everyone! I'm working in sRGB profile, but when I'm trying to export or save as JPG with "convert to sRGB" set, resulting image differs from my working file in colors. It actually looks the same as if "convert to sRGB" is NOT set. 
Here is a comparison of what I'm working with in Photoshop on the left, and what I'm getting on export on the right. The left is slightly less yellow and less contrasting:

Checking "embed color profile" partially solves the issue, but not all apps respect it, Windows 10 Viewer and FastStone Viewer for example, so I don't want to rely on it.
Here are my Color Profile settings to prove they are set to sRGB:

I'm using the latest version of  Photoshop 2017.1.1. Lightroom apparently has the same issue.
Would appreciate any suggestions on what I'm doing wrong.


  • poopipe
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    poopipe grand marshal polycounter
    Is it opening the image using the right profile?  Recent versions seem to make a lot of assumptions about what space images are in.. 
  • ttrevan_art
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    ttrevan_art polycounter lvl 7
    Just tried it, looks like PS always opens in sRGB, but my problem is not in opening images, I'm making a portrait painting. So when I try to export the result, skin looks more yellow and a person looks sick. My example image is a piece from game screenshot just to illustrate the problem.

    I also posted a bug report on PS support site, looking forward to their response. Just a little surprised that such a simple operation provides the wrong result and looks like nobody else is affected:)
  • rollin
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    rollin polycounter
    Hi there,

    I'm just assuming now as I'm not fully into what ps is doing but just from a logical standpoint:
    You say you work in sRGB. What should then happen if you say "convert to sRGB" ? The colors are already in that profile. 
    So imo the real problem is with the viewer not respecting sRGB. 
    If you import your exported file into ps again, does it look like the original? Bc if it does it's not an export problem.
  • ttrevan_art
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    ttrevan_art polycounter lvl 7
    My understanding of "convert to sRGB" is that it destructively "bakes" sRGB colors into resulting image. Because if it doesn't, then I don't see the point of working in sRGB (which is like a greatest common divisor) and yet having results dependent on viewer settings.
    And colors actually look wrong even in Photoshop's export preview window, so it does look like an export problem.
    I'm currently digging into the color profiles topic, but it's only getting worse:) 
  • ttrevan_art
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    ttrevan_art polycounter lvl 7
    Looks like there is no problem after all, only my misunderstanding of the topic. I think I just need to embed color profile into the image and hope for a viewer to respect it. And you can't actually "bake" anything into the image.
    Thanks for your help guys and sorry for a lame question:)
  • rollin
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    rollin polycounter
    It is possible to "bake" stuff into the exported image. This depends on the exporter. Just in the case of sRGB from Photoshop I'm not sure. But as you was already working in sRGB there is no point in converting anything. I remember that Simplygon has/had this sRGB checkbox which would really change the resulting colors (the values, not the color profile)
  • ttrevan_art
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    ttrevan_art polycounter lvl 7
    @rollin will check it out, thanks!
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