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[FINISHED] Female knight

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Rikard86 polycounter lvl 10
So after my Artstation challenge entry disappointed me I decided to move on and make another game-res monstrosity based on a concept against my better judgement. Trying out fantasy, for a change.

So here's how she's supposed to look like:

And here's my blockout + minor stuff so far

Planning to make a few changes to the design, mainly adding straps + connection points to the armor and reshaping the boob plate a bit (because the one in the concept is a bit too silly even for fantasy armor, planning to go for a still recognizable but less extreme shape).

The pauldrons were detailed to test out the workflow as I'm planning to try to detail her as much as I can in zbrush and not resort to add many normal passes on the texture as an attempt to get out of my comfort zone. Will probably redo them later as I get the hang of it to make them more polished.

So yeah will see you next when I actually have something interesting to show you.


  • Rikard86
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    Rikard86 polycounter lvl 10
    Working on the armor, going slower than expected but trying to pick up speed.

    Will move onto the face soon, don't really like how it's turning out
  • Rikard86
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    Rikard86 polycounter lvl 10
    Guess I'm done with the hipoly, minor detailing left now

    wanna work a bit more on the face to give the texture a bit of depth but I guess I'm open to tips, I also so want to start working on her hair mesh because the hair blob is aggravating but I gotta start working on the lowpoly first

    peace out
  • Koromo
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    Koromo polycounter lvl 4
    Looks good to me, especially the armour.

    The face needs some work but it´s a nice approach, maybe a little flesh onto the sides to rounder more the face.
    I´ve encountered myself a kind of problem trying to represent  asian type concepts to 3d in a more occidental way where the face tends to be towards "anime-esque" stereotype.

    So  rounder but sharper cheeks, ovalexagerated head and some minor details.

    It depends if you want approach the concept more or less for the face... for the armor,looks perfect to me.

    I´ve done a paintover( not so happy about the result) and it turns out suuuper old compared to the original, too much mukuphotoshop.
    But in general terms, smaller rounder/more elongated eyes, much smaller nose some adjustments into the eyebrows and the rest it´s the hair work.

    It depends to you and your own style or design for the character :) 

  • Rikard86
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    Rikard86 polycounter lvl 10
    @Koromo thank you and yep, she looks older in the turnaround when compared to the illustration,which is throwing me off a lot among other things (expecially her face/forehead ratio, a head full of hair doesn't help). I'm gonna mess around with her face a bit more and see what happens, at this point it's just finding the right proportions before moving into further detailing.

  • Rikard86
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    Rikard86 polycounter lvl 10
    Working on the lowpoly, started with the chestplate. Made some bakes to test the UVs and threw the standard Quixel Steel preset from Toolbag to check how it's coming along.

    Also, think I'm finally in a good place with the face. Not sure if I want to crank up the realism on the texture but I definately need to add at least some skin detail though, will have to finalize it asap.

    That's all for now, see you s
  • jose.fuentes
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    jose.fuentes interpolator
    I love how that chest plate is turning out, the textures look great
  • Rikard86
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    Rikard86 polycounter lvl 10
    I love how that chest plate is turning out, the textures look great
    Thank you but it's just the Quixel Steel shader from Toolbag, then again I am planning to use Quixel for the texturing so it's gonna look similar lol. :)
  • Rikard86
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    Rikard86 polycounter lvl 10

    Current count is 63k tris, which gives me plenty of space to work with (my target is max 100k). Probably will make another bit of a detail pass on the armor and capes before the final bakes (everything atm has temporary UVs), and then will move onto the final pass+lowpoly on the head.
  • Solid_Otter
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    Solid_Otter polycounter lvl 6
    Hi, Rikard!
    Someone might give you flack for the impracticality of the breast plate, but this looks great so far. Her chin does seem a little recessed and pulled down too much, though. Really digging your hardsurface skills.
  • Rikard86
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    Rikard86 polycounter lvl 10
    @Solid_Otter Thank you. :)

     And yes, I did receive a few comments about that, but the concept isn't going for historical accuracy and neither am I.

    Practical accuracy, on the other hand, is another pair of sleeves. A lot of the plates were that kind of solid plate with no hinges or straps in sight, had to do a bit of research to make them look proper without losing the general look.

    I also find it funny that so far everybody seemed to focus on the boob plate and completely ignored the high heels.

  • Lord Fryingpan
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    Lord Fryingpan polycounter lvl 12

    Someone might give you flack for the impracticality of the breast plate
    I know I would, but not before ranting about high heels in combat.

    Impressive work nonetheless.
  • Rikard86
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    Rikard86 polycounter lvl 10

    Someone might give you flack for the impracticality of the breast plate
    I know I would, but not before ranting about high heels in combat.


    I'm all for historical accuracy as well, but when I work on someone else's design I make a promise to stick to it as much as possible. :) I just see the whole thing a cerimonial/parade armor of sorts, since the decorations are pretty intricate and there is no helmet.

    Also I like girls being feminine so that's a plus

  • Rikard86
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    Rikard86 polycounter lvl 10
    Started doing actual texture work on the armor. Don't really know how it's coming along, my workflow has been all over the place lately due to hopping in and out of client work, losing focus a bit. I'd really appreciate some feedback before finally moving on the head.

  • JudeanPplsFront
    Hi Rikard!
    Take this with a grain of salt (I'm a noob at this stuff) but I still think the cloth pieces need some work. They look very papery to me and not very "fabric-y." I think it might be a combination of a little too much specular with the large amount of small wrinkles. The plating looks fantastic though!
  • Rikard86
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    Rikard86 polycounter lvl 10
    Yeah the cloth has been bugging me all night yesterday but I couldn't put my finger on it, thanks. Gonna have to go over and redo the bakes/texture on those parts I guess.
  • Rikard86
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    Rikard86 polycounter lvl 10
    Current face and hair. Planning to replicate the effect of wind so the hair will be getting a lot more movement during that phase via posing and adding loose strands, don't worry if it looks too straight for now.

    Also this marks the second month I've been working on this, kinda wish I had more spare time.
  • FreneticPonies
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    FreneticPonies polycounter lvl 3
    Armor looks fantastic!

    That being said the face doesn't look like it's even in the same art style. The armor is stylized but high detail while the face looks halfway to a cartoon in it's undefined softness. Great armor though.
  • Rikard86
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    Rikard86 polycounter lvl 10
    @FreneticPonies : well, the face ended up being kind of soft even compared to the concept (https://www.artstation.com/artwork/x431r) which already has a pretty soft face in the first place.
    Now that you pointed it out the chin should be a bit sharper but it's nothing I can't fix even at this point, thank you.
  • Rikard86
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    Rikard86 polycounter lvl 10
    Posed her and added an extra layer of loose hair. Reworked her face volumes and proportions a bit, I'd push it more but I'm afraid to lose the round look. Weapons blocked out, they're coming up next.

    Not sure if I should throw her capes back into zbrush for another session of fold sculpting tho

  • MykulJaxin
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    MykulJaxin polycounter lvl 4
    As others have said, the details on her armor is very nice. However, I feel like I liked earlier versions of her face compared to the most recently posted ones where she's posed. Maybe it's because her head seems to long/deep?
  • Rikard86
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    Rikard86 polycounter lvl 10
    As others have said, the details on her armor is very nice. However, I feel like I liked earlier versions of her face compared to the most recently posted ones where she's posed. Maybe it's because her head seems to long/deep?
    Technically her head looks longer because she's got wind running through her hair giving it a lot of volume, however I do admit I got a bit too carried away with it. Moved her back hair a bit closer to the scalp and it does look better, thanks for pointing that out lol

  • Rikard86
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    Rikard86 polycounter lvl 10
    Weapons done and added a pedestal real fast (on which texture I am gonna work a bit more since it looks a bit flat). Snapped a quick picture, gonna work on the callout sheet, turnaround and presentation pictures a bit before calling her done and throwing everything in my folio

    If you have any last feedback this is the time to say it lol
  • Rikard86
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    Rikard86 polycounter lvl 10
    Yeah, just gonna call it finished at this point, no point in beating around the bush - feel like I could work a bit more on it but it would be nothing game changing. Sorry for the triple post.

    3D viewer, callout sheets and a few more pics on my Artstation:

    Thanks for keeping up with me everybody, now let's see how many people make observations about the boob plate and the heels >:)

  • pmiller001
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    pmiller001 greentooth
    nice work, per usual. there are some shots where she looks like a painting not sure if intentional but it looks rad nonetheless!. question about your hair, how do you get rid of the hard edges on each Hair card to make the fit smoothly together like you have here? I tried transferring my normals via a proxy   mesh but the only halfway did it. i imagine the answer is "layering strips more efficiently" but I wanted to know your thoughts.
    again, great work!
  • dGreenberg
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    dGreenberg polycounter
    Nice work finishing things up, @Rikard86! That last part of the process is always rough between trying to fix new stuff that you notice, and being ready to move on to the next thing. The weapons and the gear make for a great silhouette, and you really made some of those materials pop. It's always great to see how your characters continue to develop, so keep up the great work!
  • Rikard86
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    Rikard86 polycounter lvl 10
    nice work, per usual. there are some shots where she looks like a painting not sure if intentional but it looks rad nonetheless!. question about your hair, how do you get rid of the hard edges on each Hair card to make the fit smoothly together like you have here? I tried transferring my normals via a proxy   mesh but the only halfway did it. i imagine the answer is "layering strips more efficiently" but I wanted to know your thoughts.
    again, great work!

    Layer strips more efficiently

    but yeah I just transfer the normals from a really rough sketch of the torso into the hair like you said. It helps if your hair strip does not suddenly "stop" but fades at the borders until it goes full transparent close to the edge (either by making hair more scarce or by actual gradient).

    Nice work finishing things up, @Rikard86! That last part of the process is always rough between trying to fix new stuff that you notice, and being ready to move on to the next thing. The weapons and the gear make for a great silhouette, and you really made some of those materials pop. It's always great to see how your characters continue to develop, so keep up the great work!

    why thank you

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