Hi there,
I'm working on a doom inspired character and I always have trouble getting a normal map without noticeable seams, but it is inevitable I guess.
Here are some images:

Yesterday I learned on the forums that aligning the islands along the same axis reduces the seams showing through, unfortunately, this isn't always optimal for pixel density. Is there anyone willing to share how they remove seams? I can remove them in Blender using the clone tool or the smear brush, but I always wondered if there is some way more efficient.
Some Specs:
Quixel 2.3.1 & Blender 2.78, normal maps were created using xNormal.
Cheers guys!
Visible seams on the normal map as you show in your first picture due to UV rotation isn't an issue when you bake normals because tangent normals are relative to UV space, meaning it looks weird and wrong when you apply the normal map as a diffuse texture, but the rendering application will take the rotation of the UV island into account when rendering the normal map as a normal map.
UV rotation can become an issue if you plan on overlaying detail normals across those islands (especially distinct patterns like cloth). For this reason I try and avoid rotating islands.
To me it looks like a part of your highpoly isn't being baked because you're either not using a cage, or the cage is faulty in design.
I would need to see your highpoly, cage and lowpoly setup to be sure though.
Looking at the normalmap itself and seeing seams makes sense because its a "tangent space" normal map. UV rotation will change the coloration of the details, but this is how its intended to work, so don't worry about that. You would rarely get the same color across seams, if you have details going across them.
One thing I can see is that you don't use dilation, that can cause seams at distance, but it manly shouldn't be the source of your issue. I'm thinking you are trying to display it with wrong tangent space. If it was baked in Xnormal, the mesh tangent space in display renderer should be set to mikk tangent space. You can do this in Unreal, Toolbag, and Substances.
I'm trying to display it in DDO, but when rendering with the Blender Cycles render engine the seams are not noticeable, just very slightly. I'll try your tangent space settings.
How do I create averaged normals on my cage?
Just with a normal map plus a cage and I checked in the plugin settings and it says Mikk Tspace, which is Tangent space probably. What is dilation exactly? cheers
Averaged normals being an equivalent term to smoothed normals. Basically this controls for the discontinuities in the picture that @Thanez shared.
Dilation is edge padding:
Your ID map and AO shouldn't be causing issues.
Take a thorough look at this page. It should have all the answers to the line of questioning you're going down.
Hey man, thanks for the help. I think I fixed it with the cage. But the problems start to appear when I'm in dDo and start creating the Albedo. Do you have experience with the Quixel Suite? Is it something that I can fix?