Hello guys,
I never before created big open environments with big amount grass and trees. And it's littlebit confuse me.
At this moment I have a single blades of grass from Megascans and have no idea how to combine it in one mesh with small amount of polygons.
How much polygons should be in grass cluster for good performance and
what is the better way to make grass from this scan?
Thank you!
What I can say with near certainty is you should combine these into grass cards, made up of clumps of blades. You can do this either in photoshop or in 3D, where you would bake the resulting clumps down to single cards. Then clump those together in-engine to build up large volumes of grass.
There are many approaches people have taken to getting grass volumes looking good at all angles, but this is a project dependent problem. It would be very helpful to know what your intended use is.
How to combine all maps in one cluster?
map sample that I already have:
If you want to combine your photoscanned grass together, here's a technique
Thank you for the links, but I already tried this methods but got not really good result and not sure that it is right way.
my texture resolution for atlas was 2048x2048
Here is what I got:
Here is what i want to achieve:
The main issue was in very big amount of grass which I baked first time. I decreas amount of grass blades and now it looks good for me
And couple test screenshots with old and new grass:
Thank you guys!