I'm going to be reworking a character I made a few months ago. This is where it was at then.
http://www.joshuaart.com/underworld-selene.htmlSo I found a bit more reference and changed up the jacket and the rest of clothing a little bit. I also hate how the fibermesh hair turned out so I did a quick sculpt of hair (I suck at sculpting hair so it also isn't that great.)
Here is what I plan on changing.
Create Low Poly Hair
Fix a couple details on the jacket and get rid of a couple mesh intersections.
Rework the topology. Make it a bit higher res somewhere around maybe 20-30k triangles excluding hair.
Texture in Substance
Render in UE4
Anything else you guys think I could improve?
Anybody have tips on hair for games? I couldn't really find any good tutorials online.
The head needs to have a second look at.
When it comes to hair though, it depends on the applications you are using. But I can suggest Adam Skutt's tutorial (on gumroad) for game res hair with Maya and Xgen. There's youtube videos of ornatrix and GMH2. You can handpaint the textures in photoshot.
Just going down the front page of polycount there's quite a few pieces having game ready hair, even a tutorial for how to do it. Have a look at this: http://polycount.com/discussion/comment/2546404#Comment_2546404
A quick google search will give you this site as the first result: https://www.3dartistonline.com/news/2015/04/how-do-i-create-real-time-hair-for-games/
So I redid the base body. Any thoughts? if the anatomy looks right then I'll move on to smoothing it out and making it into a skintight suit.
Disregard the hands and feet for now as those will be replaced.
Fixed up some stuff that I thought didn't look right. Top Left is how the skin tight suit might look once smoothed.
Alright I think the bases are all ready now.
retopology is finished... I think. For now at least.
renders are from Substance Painter
Have a look at pictures like this for portrait painters to get an idea of what colours to use where
and one pic to show a female, but it is a long one so I'm gonna leave it as a link:
Anyways once I can figure out why building the lighting is causing problems at the seams I should be all set. Just need to move on to posing the character.